Some of you are really fixed on single ideas and seem to work only to confirm what you think you already know. Therefore you have missed some really interesting bits of information that is available in this 1945 accounting of WWII.
I've read the first 2 chapters and found the following very interesting:
So far, even though it is focused around the holocaust, it has not mentioned the word holocaust once. It mostly just calls out the 25,000,000 people who were starved, tortured, and killed. In one section it was more descriptive and said, "They were killed simply because they were people -- men, women, children, aged, infirm, Protestant, Jew, Catholic, agnostic, white, black, brown, conservative, liberal, rich, poor..." It later goes on to say, "The process was never confined to the Jews. That was one of the things about the German conspiracy most Americans failed to comprehend... From the beginning, theft of property and literal enslavement of large numbers of personals of all religious faiths was carried on in Germany under guise of 'laws' for 'protection of the state'."
It states WWI and WWII were preplanned, including the atrocities. That it started with the "ancient Order of Teutonic Knights" which later became the Junkers (German aristocracy) who were the puppet masters. Hitler, Goering, Ribbentrops, etc were the puppets or "passing agents" in the plan. The quest for world domination started long before them and did not die with them.
The plan was to make everyone except an elite few, slaves of the system. To control economies and industry. (sound familiar?)
Hitler, the name, is an alias. His real name was/is Adolph Shickelgruber. I personally never heard that before. A quick search says it could very well be true. That name may lead us to more connections of our current elite. You also have to ask, why was his name changed in the first place? Why is his original name never spoken of (in m experience)? (EDIT: Apparently his mother's maiden name, to whom he was born out of wedlock.)
Yes, Hitler wrote about his name change in Mein Kampf. It wasn't a big secret, it just wasn't reported in most history books. His original last name was Schickelgruber, but a childhood friend convinced him to change it to Heidler, which may have been his father's last name. Adolf himself said in Mein Kampf that he thought Hitler sounded better than Heidler, and definitely better than Schickelgruber because it had a more firm, strong sound to it when said out loud. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but he said something like "I had to change my name if I was ever to rule Germany because, after all, how convincing does 'heil Heidler' sound? Better yet, 'heil Schickelgruber' would never have been effective at parades and speeches. It would have had the opposite effect and made me a laughing stock." You have to admit, Hitler does have a nicer ring to it than Heidler or Schickelgruber.
Found this 1945 WWII book on ebay. Read the TOC:
Some of you are really fixed on single ideas and seem to work only to confirm what you think you already know. Therefore you have missed some really interesting bits of information that is available in this 1945 accounting of WWII.
I've read the first 2 chapters and found the following very interesting:
So far, even though it is focused around the holocaust, it has not mentioned the word holocaust once. It mostly just calls out the 25,000,000 people who were starved, tortured, and killed. In one section it was more descriptive and said, "They were killed simply because they were people -- men, women, children, aged, infirm, Protestant, Jew, Catholic, agnostic, white, black, brown, conservative, liberal, rich, poor..." It later goes on to say, "The process was never confined to the Jews. That was one of the things about the German conspiracy most Americans failed to comprehend... From the beginning, theft of property and literal enslavement of large numbers of personals of all religious faiths was carried on in Germany under guise of 'laws' for 'protection of the state'."
It states WWI and WWII were preplanned, including the atrocities. That it started with the "ancient Order of Teutonic Knights" which later became the Junkers (German aristocracy) who were the puppet masters. Hitler, Goering, Ribbentrops, etc were the puppets or "passing agents" in the plan. The quest for world domination started long before them and did not die with them.
The plan was to make everyone except an elite few, slaves of the system. To control economies and industry. (sound familiar?)
Hitler, the name, is an alias. His real name was/is Adolph Shickelgruber. I personally never heard that before. A quick search says it could very well be true. That name may lead us to more connections of our current elite. You also have to ask, why was his name changed in the first place? Why is his original name never spoken of (in m experience)? (EDIT: Apparently his mother's maiden name, to whom he was born out of wedlock.)
Yes, Hitler wrote about his name change in Mein Kampf. It wasn't a big secret, it just wasn't reported in most history books. His original last name was Schickelgruber, but a childhood friend convinced him to change it to Heidler, which may have been his father's last name. Adolf himself said in Mein Kampf that he thought Hitler sounded better than Heidler, and definitely better than Schickelgruber because it had a more firm, strong sound to it when said out loud. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but he said something like "I had to change my name if I was ever to rule Germany because, after all, how convincing does 'heil Heidler' sound? Better yet, 'heil Schickelgruber' would never have been effective at parades and speeches. It would have had the opposite effect and made me a laughing stock." You have to admit, Hitler does have a nicer ring to it than Heidler or Schickelgruber.