These are the same people who tell you not to plant harmless plants because they're "invasive." I had one tell me butterfly bushes were among the invasives. I have several in my yard and have never had one single seedling anywhere. Yes, some things will take over. I've noticed creeping jenny being sold everywhere and that's the most invasive thing. If a piece falls on the grass it will take over your lawn. But these nuts think anything that propagates itself is invasive.
Netherlands - well, thank goodness we have Styxhexenhammer over there to straighten them out. snort
These are the same people who tell you not to plant harmless plants because they're "invasive." I had one tell me butterfly bushes were among the invasives. I have several in my yard and have never had one single seedling anywhere. Yes, some things will take over. I've noticed creeping jenny being sold everywhere and that's the most invasive thing. If a piece falls on the grass it will take over your lawn. But these nuts think anything that propagates itself is invasive.
Netherlands - well, thank goodness we have Styxhexenhammer over there to straighten them out. snort