So my son is obsessed with Star Wars. I couldn't pull the Disney + subscription because they have all the Star Wars content. Since school ended, " The Clone Wars" cartoon is on our TV almost constantly.
I'm already not happy giving them ANY money. In the last couple of days I started paying attention. The crazy thing is, the main themes of this show are govt corruption, treason and democracy. They basically present the Seperatist or the bad guys as the Deep State.
I have to admit, I was expecting woke bullshit. I am shocked Disney is releasing this stuff. It's basically explaining and demonstrating government corruption. My 10 year old just asked me what a conspiracy is while watching.
Whoever is writing this script is definately a Patriot. I know Disney is evil and Im an asshat for giving them $. I just want to report there is one cartoon we can feel safe to let our kids watch.
While true in most cases, I think youre blanket disregarding that good media has still been made by people who werent infected, in the years leading up to 2012-2016, where most of the "wokeness" started really infiltrating the mainstream.
Yes there are very clearly stories meant to lampshade ideas the cabal would love to use (the new jurassic park and its genetically modified locuses eating only unGMO food, comes to mind)
But that doesnt mean shows from a decade ago, dont have good themes and dialogue in them, because many were simply trying to tell a good story (and we also cant rule out warnings that were given to us, about what was coming, so we would understand)