Are you worried about intubation drugs like fentalin? This can cause depression of respiratory system. I think that drug was discussed with covid patients.
Even morphine can cause respiratory depression. At this point bring all his meds and list of allergies and discuss frankly with the surgeon or anesthesiologist
I don't know, I don't know medicine, my mom just asked me to do some research while she goes to the hospital with him, I'm gonna send her any info while she's there with him.
Are you worried about intubation drugs like fentalin? This can cause depression of respiratory system. I think that drug was discussed with covid patients.
Even morphine can cause respiratory depression. At this point bring all his meds and list of allergies and discuss frankly with the surgeon or anesthesiologist
I don't know, I don't know medicine, my mom just asked me to do some research while she goes to the hospital with him, I'm gonna send her any info while she's there with him.
Thanks for your help!
My dad's probably coming back home tonight after X-Rays and Stabilization.
Without your input I would have been so lost.
God bless and keep you all. I know these are scary and stressful times.