Double vaxed.
What can we do to help keep him healthy without vent/Remdesivir?
Anybody know good doctors in St. Pete/Tampa FL who won't kill him?
PS - They are at the hospital. I'm a state away. Forwarding your info to them, thank you!
Double vaxed.
What can we do to help keep him healthy without vent/Remdesivir?
Anybody know good doctors in St. Pete/Tampa FL who won't kill him?
PS - They are at the hospital. I'm a state away. Forwarding your info to them, thank you!
Does he have a cough? My brother was in AZ when he caught it and one of the hospitable was using the machine for COPD. It shakes the gunk out of your chest. He went from 70 to 90 after an hour of the machine. They admitted that they had been trying everything they could to fight Covid for people and this treatment seemed to be the most effective to get the junk out quick to bring up the oxygen.
Wow, interesting. Apparently his calluses were so thick the machine was reading wrong