Do not let the issue of bodily autonomy be muddled by today's court decision. We will always have the inherent right to bodily autonomy. To anyone who argues to the contrary and uses the prohibition of abortion as an example, simply explain that the unborn has the right to live as well as long as they are viable, and there is no danger to the mother's health. Also let them know the notion of sex simply for pleasure and decoupled from the context of a loving relationship and procreation is what creates the abortion scenario in the first place.
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Yes let's be clear...what are you saying? Only sex in the context of a loving relationship blah blah.. like there is something the matter with just enjoying sex?
And there is the issue
Should consenting adults be free to engage in sex for pleasure? Sure. Does that mean its a good idea outside of a loving relationship? See what most spiritual traditions have to say on the matter, or simply look at the state of things and draw your own conclusion.
It is how you are brought up. The conditioning..the brainwashing...for a girl chastity was to get a dowry when she married..if she had sex then no dowry.
Sex is a pleasure..a release from tensions..leaving a contented feeling afterwards for both involved.
The problems arise because sex is tied in with we have been tinkered with so we are in season all the time unlike other animals