Sounds as if the storm may be worse than expected. Why else remind us of an oath? I gave an oath to God, Constitution and Country when I signed into the military, but never did I once take an oath getting out. It seems like a warning things will get worse before they get better, although I always knew my oath was for life. I'm curious about other anon's take on the 666 reference today. I can count the numbers and such, but is there an algorithmic or otherwise logical reason why the date or other happenings somehow significant? Q always struck me as steering away from 666 references and yet I'm reading comments tying it back to that number. I'm curious to hear from you all as to the reasons and I am interested in feedback as a logical, critical thinker, not as a blindly trusting drone.
I remember seeing 777 everywhere at the end of Trump's term. Before the election results, I was nervous as hell, I asked for a sign and I went on a video on YT and it had exactly 77,777 views and 777 likes. I was seeing it everywhere.
Sounds as if the storm may be worse than expected. Why else remind us of an oath? I gave an oath to God, Constitution and Country when I signed into the military, but never did I once take an oath getting out. It seems like a warning things will get worse before they get better, although I always knew my oath was for life. I'm curious about other anon's take on the 666 reference today. I can count the numbers and such, but is there an algorithmic or otherwise logical reason why the date or other happenings somehow significant? Q always struck me as steering away from 666 references and yet I'm reading comments tying it back to that number. I'm curious to hear from you all as to the reasons and I am interested in feedback as a logical, critical thinker, not as a blindly trusting drone.
I remember seeing 777 everywhere at the end of Trump's term. Before the election results, I was nervous as hell, I asked for a sign and I went on a video on YT and it had exactly 77,777 views and 777 likes. I was seeing it everywhere.
When it didn't pan out the way I expected, it left me wondering what the sign was about.
Yesterday, I started seeing 777 again. And I also saw a couple of 666, enough for me to take note and wonder what was going to happen.
And then this, Q returns. And we have the reference to 666 today, something which I didn't know before.
So I don't know what's going on. 777 is strongly correlated with Trump and therefore Q.
666, well we all know the connotations associated with that but I'm currently unsure why that is coming up right now.