Does any one have any good links for live stream of the washington dc protest? I want the 'walking through the crowd' type of experience if possible. Cant wait to watch the embarrassment / hypocrisy unfold
I found this if it helps any one - but I was hoping for something a little more luke rudkowski-esque/right wing...
there was a good site i used to go to during the riots that had all the live streams from around the country w chat. it was really entertaining because it was mostly antifas ...trying to remember the name of it...
also just search on twitch, roe v wade and protests.
oh it was but for some reason its not working right now....anyways found their twitch livestream,.... Vegas, la, seattle, Redlands ca, sacramento... nothing interesting going on yet on the west coast cuz its still light out . just a bunch of girls yelling. im surprised antifa is willing to come to san diego again after the DA here prosecuted them....
Not a lot of people. This thread has many links
Just watch Wolf Neve live