Oh yes you can. BLM and Antifa are happy to accept fiat USD currency.
They love it. 'Can't get enough of it.
the more you print, the less they're worth
Inflation a.k.a. stealing wealth right out of the pockets of everyone.
The Elves don't fear debt or inflation or printing more money because they control the world's governments, they have assets and they control the banks.
No, they will never run out of imaginary dollars or imaginary debt because they own all the central banks and they run every central bank as a Ponzi scheme that is designed and intended to collapse, destroy powerful Christian nations, create starvation and war and then be reset... like am asthmatic marathon runner with only one lung. The horrors of extreme hardship, starvation, unemployment, economic depression and bankruptcy are cycles in their plan to stay rich and powerful while keeping the entire human race crippled and in constant agony.
99% of the world's fiat currency is an I.O.U. to a Rothschild central banker.
See Q post #135 - #138 for a complete list of central banks controlled by these goblins.
No, the New World Order doesn't ever run out of money because even debt is a form of profit for the Synagogue of Satan.
Oh yes you can. BLM and Antifa are happy to accept fiat USD currency.
They love it. 'Can't get enough of it.
Inflation a.k.a. stealing wealth right out of the pockets of everyone.
The Elves don't fear debt or inflation or printing more money because they control the world's governments, they have assets and they control the banks.
No, they will never run out of imaginary dollars or imaginary debt because they own all the central banks and they run every central bank as a Ponzi scheme that is designed and intended to collapse, destroy powerful Christian nations, create starvation and war and then be reset... like am asthmatic marathon runner with only one lung. The horrors of extreme hardship, starvation, unemployment, economic depression and bankruptcy are cycles in their plan to stay rich and powerful while keeping the entire human race crippled and in constant agony.
Wrong. None of these need to be real assets because of electronic banking. If Bezos wants to pay with cash then he'll need to plan ahead for a days.