The Federal Reserve is a private corporation,
Who puts ink on toilet paper and has convince the public that it is money...
It is private script and if you VOLUNTARILY endorse that private script, then you voluntarily entered into a contract with the Fed Res.
I.E. you owe taxes for using their toilet paper...It's a usage fee called an excise tax.
The 9th circus has said that the FRN is a dual purpose has 2 seals on it where the US Note only has the US Treasury seal on it..
That means you have a choice of which note you wish to use.
The Supreme Court defines "income tax", as an excise tax "imposed with respect to the doing of business in corporate form". If you are not engaged in any corporate activities then you are not liable for an "excise income tax." This Supreme Court decision also states that Congress cannot tax an individual's income directly. All direct taxes must be imposed on the states with apportionment. U.S. Constitution Art. 1 Sect 2. Cl. 3 and Sect 9 Cl. 4.
Involuntary Servitude
UNITED STATES V. KOZMINSKI, 487 U. S. 931 (1988)
“For purposes of criminal prosecution under § 241 or § 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process. This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion”
§ 411. Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption
Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues.
The Federal Reserve is a private corporation, Who puts ink on toilet paper and has convince the public that it is money...
It is private script and if you VOLUNTARILY endorse that private script, then you voluntarily entered into a contract with the Fed Res.
I.E. you owe taxes for using their toilet paper...It's a usage fee called an excise tax.
The 9th circus has said that the FRN is a dual purpose has 2 seals on it where the US Note only has the US Treasury seal on it..
That means you have a choice of which note you wish to use.
The Supreme Court defines "income tax", as an excise tax "imposed with respect to the doing of business in corporate form". If you are not engaged in any corporate activities then you are not liable for an "excise income tax." This Supreme Court decision also states that Congress cannot tax an individual's income directly. All direct taxes must be imposed on the states with apportionment. U.S. Constitution Art. 1 Sect 2. Cl. 3 and Sect 9 Cl. 4.
Involuntary Servitude
UNITED STATES V. KOZMINSKI, 487 U. S. 931 (1988)
“For purposes of criminal prosecution under § 241 or § 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process. This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion”