posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +222 / -0

I spend a lot of time patrolling liberal platforms, to see what the leftist hive-mind are pushing. This way I can assess their collective awareness, see what kind of narratives are popular, as well as which/how many of our narratives gain traction in liberal echo chambers. There lies great value in knowing the enemy.

I found an extremely interesting nugget on the heavily left/leaning sub r/pics on Reddit. See attached. Its a picture of a pregnant woman about 8+ months, clearly in her 3rd trimester, protesting in front of the Supreme Court, with “NOT YET A HUMAN” written on her exposed stomach. While she’s holding another child on her hip. She’s also got some disturbing eyes, don’t zoom in on them, I tried to warn you.

But the picture isn’t the focus, it’s the comments. All of the comments are liberals and self-admitted pro-choice advocates, stating that this image is disturbing, and that clearly abortion at this stage is wrong and she’s carrying a human at this point and it is not just a clump of cells. Collectively agreeing that this is a bad look for the pro-choice movement. Any dissent from the left-wing narrative is abnormal for Reddit.

This post led to some hilarious dialogue between the sheep, as they accidentally red-pill themselves by establishing that at some point in pregnancy, what’s inside the womb, is a human. They are met with the reality that there is a LINE. But the sheep are unsure with themselves as to where that line begins. All of them have different answers and roundabout ways to say they aren’t sure when a fetus becomes a “human”.

Pro-life think that line begins at conception. Pro-choice think that line begins “up to and immediately after birth”. Which is quite literally infanticide, even according to the left-wing base.

However, this issue is, much of the left-wing base refuse to acknowledge the fact that pro-choice and the DNC have been pushing late term abortions this entire time.

1/4 https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/vlkine/pregnant_woman_protesting_against_supreme_court/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

  1. The leftist sheep don’t seem to believe their party would support horrific acts such as late term and post-birth abortion. Don’t allow them to escape this reality. Red pill them with real-world evidence that the DNC support late term abortion, and therefore support killing babies. There’s plenty of it.

Remember the Virginia abortion bill controversy 3 years ago? Where the Dems in Virginia caught an insane amount of push back because they were looking to pass a bill, enabling mothers to abort babies up to and AFTER birth.

See attached.



  1. Then the sheep might say “that was just Virginia! That’s just one State! The entire Left doesn’t support late term abortions!”

That’s when you show them that there are 7 US States, and the District of Columbia, who have zero restrictions on late term abortions, and legally, a woman can abort her baby up to child birth.

The majority of states will allow for an abortion obviously, if there are medical complications, and the mother’s health is at risk, signed off by multiple doctors. But the States with no restrictions or state-imposed thresholds are Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and the District of Columbia, All blue states with the exception of Alaska.

The DNC have proven time and again, that they are willing to abort babies long into the 3rd trimester. Long past the threshold of what the majority of the left-wing base would deem as “acceptable”.



  1. For the hardcore brainwashed sheep, who are still okay with abortion up to birth, Virginia Democrats and former Governor Ralph Northam, openly advocated for “aborting a baby after it’s been born”.

In other words, killing newborn babies.

Trump addressed it at the State of the Union in 2019. See attached.

So for the centrists and the left-wingers who don’t want to accept it, there is no denying, the DNC are the party of infanticide. Do not allow them to backtrack. Do not allow them to pretend like they haven’t been advocating to kill babies this entire time. Make them own it.

Everyone might not agree that conception is the line where abortions must stop, but we should all be able to agree that late term abortions and killing babies after birth, is nothing short of evil.


