By now Anons should understand that time is fluid in this operation. Many posts made years ago become relevant only as news cycles come to pass.
Messages given by Q are not always intended for the year in which they were given. Likewise, messages given by Q can and do have multiple meanings. Q told us to think both in mirrors and double meanings.
While this statement was made prior to the 2018 election, I believe it holds true for the 2022 midterms. This year's midterms are arguably more important than even the 2020 election. As we can see from the first two years of Biden's administration, he is completely without power to affect change on the political stage. He has accomplished none of the Democrat's political goals in his time in office. The best his administration can do is tread water with the help of the Democrat Congress.
That all changes in the fall of 2022.
The midterms are the keystone to affecting change in the outcome of the 2020 election fraud cases. The midterms are equally important to matters of fraud in the Federal Reserve, and corruption in our nation's economy. Only an ULTRA MAGA stacked Congress has the ability to pass Law that will usher in voter identification.
How about a nice game of chess?
No? You want to play Global Thermonuclear War with the lives of Americans?
Have it your way Democrats. We warned you not to try to steal the 2020 election. We told you that Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Like a rat drawn into a trap you are now caught and there is no way out.
"We caught them all." - Trump -
I do believe these next 5 months will be the last of the Democrat party. There is no path forward for them to recover their losses. As we have seen from the Roe v. Wade case, we have an ULTRA MAGA Supreme Court working for America. Once we have an ULTRA MAGA Congress, the Democrat Party will be buried six feet under.
They had a good run, but this is it.
1828 – 2022.
How indeed?
2020 was about exposing the election fraud that runs rampant through our nation. Had Q not allowed this theft to be carried out, every day Americans would still be clueless as to the extreme level of fraud in our election systems.
We would never have had the Maricopa County Forensic Audit exposing the poll station corruption.
We would never have had the Cyber Symposium by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell exposing the machine based fraud of Dominion.
We would never have had Dinesh DeSousa and Greg Philips' documentary 2000 Mules exposing the ballot harvesting operations throughout our nation.
Much has happened over these past two years that has brought a laser focused attention upon the inner workings of America's election systems. The Democrats no longer have the capability of operating their fraud operations in the shadows. They have been dragged out into the light for all to see.
2022 will be about enabling the ULTRA MAGA Congress to safeguard and shore up our election system in preparation for 2024.
How you may ask?
You may say that not enough has changed in our election system to enable an ULTRA MAGA victory in the fall. To that I would point to the 2016 election.
How did Hillary Clinton lose the 2016 election? The Democrats had it all. They had the polling station fraud. They had the Dominion machine fraud. They had the ballot harvesting fraud. They had everything they needed in order to steal the election. By all accounts, President Trump should not have won the 2016 election. Some may say that it was the overwhelming turnout of the MAGA folks that threw the Democrats off. I do not believe this was the case.
I believe it took Military intervention to turn off the fraud in 2016 in order to allow a fair and free election. There is a reason why the Democrats immediately called foul play after the 2016 election. They shouted "Russia, Russia, Russia" for four years because they knew that someone had intervened in their well oiled fraud machine, they just didn't know who until Q began posting in 2017. By that point their Russia narrative was going full bore, and there was not backing out of their accusations at that point.
I believe the Military will once again be watching over our elections in 2022. These elections are essential in ushering in THE STORM that will rock the Democrat party to their foundations and crumble their corrupt temple to the ground.
Only an ULTRA MAGA Congress can accomplish this. The time is right for these changes to occur, but a Democrat run Congress would never make these changes, nor would a RINO infested Republic Congress. Why do you think President Trump is running campaign rallies all across America during a year when he is not running for the office of the President?
He is building the ULTRA MAGA Congress that will take action on all the issues The Great Awakening has brought to light. The People are awake, and now The People need Representatives that can serve The People and carry out their wishes.
Indeed we shall.
How about we call this game: THE STORM.
After 2022, 2/3rds of our Government will be ULTRA MAGA.
The Democrats will be ghosts of their former party. Only Biden will be keeping their party as a specter on the political stage; a poltergeist haunting America and in desperate need of exorcism.
REMEMBER ANONS! After we take Congress, we will have a new Speaker of the House. Pelosi will be gone, and whichever ULTRA MAGA elected official takes her place will be 3rd in line for the Presidency.
It is at this stage that impeachment of Biden and Kamala will have real tangible consequences for the Democrats. It is at this stage that the time would be right for THE STORM.
During this time we may see events unfold that make Biden and Kamala extremely unpopular. Events like extreme hyper-inflation, the housing crash 2.0, the financial collapse, the food shortage, the fuel crisis and events on the world stage such the possibility of a Nuclear threat, the invasion of Taiwan, and the damning information released regarding the Democrat funded bio-terror operations in Ukraine, as well as the global child sex trafficking ring.
There is a reason why the flight logs of Lolita Express have not been made public.
There is a reason why there are still over 200,000 sealed indictments.
Timing is everything to ensure maximum impact and actionability.
This has been a long and hard road for many Anons. When President Trump told us in 2016 that we were going to be Making America Great Again, many did not believe it would take six to eight years to accomplish that vision. Many did not believe the depth of the depravity, corruption, and fraud in our Government. This operation has been carefully scripted. Anons, Pedes, Patriots, and Normies had to all be awakened prior to the feature film being played out on the Nation’s stage.
Allowing the theft of the 2020 election paved the road for the ULTRA MAGA sweep of 2022, and the Paint it Red return of President Trump in 2024.
Get ready for the Show of the Millennium Anons!
This is the main event we have all been waiting for, and I believe it begins in 2023!
True. Shows active participation in what is going on.