284 Latest Q #4958: What is at Stake? Who has Control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who was surprised? Who will be surprised? Use your logic…Q (media.greatawakening.win) NEW Q posted 2 years ago by BoomerNuc 2 years ago by BoomerNuc +286 / -2 109 comments download share 109 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Plants are inserted as seeds I would imagine. (Lots of info on plants from the farm that need watered out there, look it up, comms)
And I would say emotions could be used to insert a plant even if that, "plant" is just merely an idea.
I need to research Cassidy, at work though.
Looks like a legit Q post to me, just my opinion though.
Maxwell and Jan 6th are converging.
And Roe v Wade Overturned, just threw a huge wrench into A LOT of money for these people.
This is getting crazy.
Let's GoooOOoOOOOO!!