So we are seeing evidence now that the covid-pass type apps that supposedly prove vax status are being used to arbitrarily lock people out of travel, out of buying food etc in an way entirely unrelated to vaxx status. Happening in china, happening in indonesia. The control existing means that there is incentive for it to be abused by crooked authorites, clearly. For which covid was the trojan horse.
A counterpoint to this, is that the vaxx pass has (perhaps inadvertently) established a very clear victim list. Do criminals want their victims to be able to compare notes with each other, identify their numbers, and consider unified actions against their aggressors? Hell no. So I think there will be 'oops we deleted everyones vax record accidentally' type intentional blunders so the vaxx pass cannot be used to constitute evidence of crimes against people injected with the clotshot.
Maybe not now, but soon. Only once its well established that the vaxxed are undeniably dying in large groups that are all branded as 'mystery deaths' by the same medical establishment that is killing them.
Any thoughts?
Its nice in a way that you can pretty accurately predict just how Trudeau will fail with each new stupid thing he tries to do. Better that than someone more unpredictable, but granted I'm not living there.
'The reason I'm doing all this crime and harm to you, is that I'm concerned for your health and wellbeing!' doesn't withstand even a second of serious scrutiny or consideration. Its the attitude of a wife-beater, a psychopath, a serial killer, a sadist and yes, communists as well.
Every nation seems to have its woke cancers, the cities and states with the foulest and failing brainless policy positions and criminal fake-elected representatives.