US Court Case Affidavits of UCSC Professor Daniel Sheehan on CIA drug smuggling and its purposes see link below
George Orwell 1984
‘He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.’
‘The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed.’
‘Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.’
UCSC University Lectures - Prof D Sheehan
Lecture #17
Other lectures
For other information on CIA and drugs info see below
I did. I Watched it all. It’s a typically one sided Communist anti Fascist screed. Factual maybe, but truly one sided. That’s how deception works. I don’t like Fascists either. What is lesser known is the GRU knew all of Gehlen’s networks and continued to allow them to operate. Why? Army signal corps had Venona and continued to allow them to operate. Why?
Why did God allow Job to be afflicted?
It’s a more important question than what may be under the Antarctic ice sheets, or did Hitler make it to Paraguay or even was the Apollo moon shot real.
JPL/NASA is was an Alestair Crowley affiliated enterprise from the beginning. (Jack Parsons openly states this, and Von Braun claimed tech came from extraterrestrial demonic forces. They ought to know.).
I say one cannot do right, without being right. Both sides have hordes of dedicated zombies, but there’s a 3rd way. Seek, and find. The real battle is internal. “Ein Feste Bruck ist unser Gott”. Or, comically, Our Lord is a shoving leopard, er um uh…loving shepherd. Yeah, that’s it. Or is it?