That was a great speech. Although, if I have, and we the people have the power; then why isn't the demented commie occupying the White House under investigation for treason, fraud, sedition, and molesting his children instead of acting as though he is the president of our great country?
I do realize that this is a process, but I wish it was truly that simple--think of the results we could have. But then the commies would surely abuse it the way the do everything else.
Because it's not about the election, it never has been. The election is a look here while the Patriots work over there thing. It is coming in it's time.
People would never have waken up most of us wouldn't be here if Geotus had stayed in office and after eight great years very little would have changed.
Right now the corruption of the election is uncovered these people are exposed by their own hand. First Roe v Wade overturned now the EPA decision which could lead to the dismantling or at least the neutering of the three letter agencies.
Even the court case stay behind court case which looks like a loss isn't.
That was a great speech. Although, if I have, and we the people have the power; then why isn't the demented commie occupying the White House under investigation for treason, fraud, sedition, and molesting his children instead of acting as though he is the president of our great country? I do realize that this is a process, but I wish it was truly that simple--think of the results we could have. But then the commies would surely abuse it the way the do everything else.
Because it's not about the election, it never has been. The election is a look here while the Patriots work over there thing. It is coming in it's time.
People would never have waken up most of us wouldn't be here if Geotus had stayed in office and after eight great years very little would have changed.
Right now the corruption of the election is uncovered these people are exposed by their own hand. First Roe v Wade overturned now the EPA decision which could lead to the dismantling or at least the neutering of the three letter agencies.
Even the court case stay behind court case which looks like a loss isn't.