While its nice to celebrate the victory on abortion, we must play our parts and it will take more than the SCOTUS ruling to eradicate abortion.
Remeber that the laws of Texas and several other states are dependent on YOU to help protect the lives of children. If you suspect that anyone you know has had an abortion (even in a Blue state) make use of the right-to-life websites in your home state to report the offender to the authorities.
These may even be women you know, but remember we must play our part in eradicating baby killing.
We need to seize the narrative:
"It's time unborn humans have rights too" and to the weak response "but an egg and semen are unborn humans" - an unborn human doesn't exist until conception.
"The future will look at the barbaric massacre of innocents and say 'thank God that ended'"
"Rapes and incest are not the main reason people were having abortions, but social status and convenience was, glad it's over"
"It's not a bunch of cells, it's a growing human"
"We need to teach people to control themselves, and that starts at the home and carries on in school. if either is not teaching a child this, it's failing the child"
"A woman's body ends along that umbilical cord, where the body of another human begins."