Coin shortage is purely socil engineering in the path to CBDC. Everyone uses plastic, this is the last push. I started using currency only and have had several places resist or tell me they wont take it. I look them straight in the eyes and tell them by law, it's US currency and it you need to take it. I had one place that tried to round up on me for two bags of perishible groceries. I left them on the counter without paying as well.
1 min 15 sec YoooToooB
Coin shortage is purely socil engineering in the path to CBDC. Everyone uses plastic, this is the last push. I started using currency only and have had several places resist or tell me they wont take it. I look them straight in the eyes and tell them by law, it's US currency and it you need to take it. I had one place that tried to round up on me for two bags of perishible groceries. I left them on the counter without paying as well.
Dont give in people- resist the bullshit.