SEARCH your LOCAL OBITUARIES - look for: DIED SUDDENLY or UNEXPECTEDLY - and brace yourself
I spent about an hour today looking at local obituaries on The listings are not very detailed but saw at least 10 that had "died unexpectedly' and under the age of 70.
One was a 60 yo nurse that worked at a local hospital that i can confirm required the jabs for employment.
Another was a 38 yo military skilled medic - assume he was jabbed due to his med skills/work
People that we don't see in the "celebrity news" section ARE dying and they are young
Send your findings to: Local Sheriff Local County Council etc... anywhere to help wake the walking dead. This is sad and horrific
Even after one third of the population of the earth has perished, the remaining two thirds won't even give a thought to "waking up" ("wake the walking dead") .