I go to a gym called Lifetime. It's a little more snoody than your average gym. You usually get wealthier folks, but hey, I like the facilities.
So I got finished playing some bball, and I went down to the cafe to get myself a little hydrating beverage. As I'm sitting there, I overhear these two older gentlemen talking. The one guy says loudly 'AND he had two Vaccines!'. These two guys had to be in there mid to late 50s.
I went up and said 'Pardon for interrupting, but I heard you talking about vaccines. They're causing all sorts of medial issues for people. They're creating bloodclots in people that no doctors have ever seen before.' Something to that effect.
He said, 'Yeah, yeah, my friend just got one removed from his leg!'
He basically went on telling me and his buddy about how many people he knew that have died recently after getting the shots. He told me how his 29 year old military son got the shot and was diagnosed with myocarditis. I told him about NAC and that there's ways to detox and there's always hope. I said the best thing we can do is to keep bringing awareness about it, and discuss it openly like how we were.
Mind you, I'm generally a very close to the vest kind of person, so this interaction was rare for me. I just kinda felt a calling to get up and get involved. My father would say, the spirit moved you.
It was a positive interaction and uplifting to see that many people are starting to wake up and at least question what's happening. In these dark days ahead, we have to band together as communities and be ready for the worst. As the full truth gets revealed, the shock will be too much to handle for a lot of these normies. We gotta be ready to step in and help each other along. Love you all
Please tell me more about NAC and detoxing
I have an arsenal of info if you’re serious
Me too please!