"When our Lord spoke of the Kingdom of God He said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Jesus had just told His disciples where the Kingdom is and how the Kingdom does not come. Before you can ever see the Kingdom you have to know how it’s not coming — because the first thing we try to do is build it by the natural. The spirit of wisdom and understanding from God must deliver us from our confusion about how the Kingdom of God comes. It cannot be established by force. It cannot be established by law. It will never be established by any kind of political action. It is impossible for it to be established by the will, efforts, or programs of men or of governments."
This is a long study here is the link:
My wife and I have been reading this together, she reads and I listen. Some of the truths in this study are hard to study, unless you've been readied, I believe the Lord has been readying many, enjoy.
However, America was built on God's law. Without God's law, there is nothing for this great nation to stand on. America was created by Christian men who feared God. Pastors helped fight the Revolutionary war. You can't separate America from Christ, or remove the Christian from a crucial part of steering this country in the correct direction - towards Christ. It was Christians who directly helped to overturn Roe V Wade last week. I know some of them.
Totally agree, America is based on godly principle. I'm looking at the individual, the heart of the singular, what do you put your faith in, it is in the midst of us, it is the kingdom of God. World politics is not a religion that will substitute for that true kingdom, where Jesus alone is winning every fight.