the purpose of the 3-shot "vaccine" is private-sector JADC2, a "population internet" aka the internet of bodies. They have nearly established JADC2 for the military. It's a a project they've been working on since 2006 when it was known as Project Convergence and Project Overmatch. The military is using photonics, ultra wideband data transfer, and quantum sensors to share enormous, enormous linear algebra equations among thousands of soldiers' gut biomes and brains at the same time, thus giving each soldier access to surveillance and decision-assistance data that an unaided human even with a room full of computers could never compute fast enough (in realtime).
The civilian side of this is for GPS-style positioning (chipped people can be detected within 2 centimeters anywhere on earth, up to 20m underground), and for a LIDAR style iron dome which they plan to use for detecting incoming hypersonics. Also for parsing satellite data so they can finally map the surface of the moon and actually land humans there (NASA's Project Artemis).
the purpose of the 3-shot "vaccine" is private-sector JADC2, a "population internet" aka the internet of bodies. They have nearly established JADC2 for the military. It's a a project they've been working on since 2006 when it was known as Project Convergence and Project Overmatch. The military is using photonics, ultra wideband data transfer, and quantum sensors to share enormous, enormous linear algebra equations among thousands of soldiers' gut biomes and brains at the same time, thus giving each soldier access to surveillance and decision-assistance data that an unaided human even with a room full of computers could never compute fast enough (in realtime).
The civilian side of this is for GPS-style positioning (chipped people can be detected within 2 centimeters anywhere on earth, up to 20m underground), and for a LIDAR style iron dome which they plan to use for detecting incoming hypersonics. Also for parsing satellite data so they can finally map the surface of the moon and actually land humans there (NASA's Project Artemis).