And besides, you really think that government has not been playing childisch games?
Like: fucking up tax discounts, labeling those who were fucked as criminals and taking their children away while leaving the parents in deep shit on a chapter 13? That sort of childish?
Like: hoaxing the whole population into covaxx, lockdowns, curfew's, social distance, angst and anxiety while prohibiting cheap and effective remedies, while leaving the " vulnerable" alone and bereft of humane contact and left to die? That kind of childish?
Like: losing the curfew argument and staging an appeal within 4 hours while everybody else waits in line for 4 months to have an appeal while the outcome was already clear? That kind of Childish?
Like: declaring war on the population and screaming bloody murder, and the next destruction of OUR democracy, while only a 70 year old woman visited a politician? that kind of Childish?
Like: Taking in 50.000 ukranians while dusting off the 1958 movement of the population law giving them powers to quarter ANY mass-immigrant-fortune-seeker in your bedroom? That kind of Childish?
Like: Dumping wind mills all over our coasts while pumping 100 billion in this project, using EU law on Natura 2000 to disposes generations of farmers on a NO2 hoax, while to damn well know that these farmers meet the critieria of emissions but those damn airfields like Schiphol do not but are protected? That kind of Childish?
You proved my point, painting the town brown after witnessing all these events and more is just childish. If someone wants to take your, your family, your country way of life over some bullshit reason so they can grab more power there is only a narrow course of action that needs to be taken. It should be blatently apparent what's going on in the world and Dutch need to be more serious
Dutch as ahas designation no longer any meaning.
25% of the pop is already foreigner.
When the proverbial shit hits the fan, when a power vacuum is created, ......
At any rate, the attempted murder of a 16 year old farmersboy on a tractor failed because of two things:
The bullet got stuck in the metal of the tractor cabin, and the officer in question was signaled by his collegue to holster his piece.
The officer in question has a military style built and behavior. Dutch Police is not trained to take headshots. Police would first take their piece and shoot in the air unless their life is in imminent danger, because every Dutch knows: no weapons of any kind are brought to a protest.
His weaponhandling is way too trained. My guess is, either he is on loan from the military, or, he is a failed Marine, air-mobile-brigrade type of guy. And I would suppose he has been abroad....
The situation did not call for any of his actions. Military training vs police training. So, he is a rookie on a new field, and maybe has had too much coke up his nose.
However, in 21 they changed the law on police violence and it is easier to be let of the hook. Meaning, the threshold to become violent for a police-officer is very low.
Also, compare the deployment of what we call Romeo's. These are from, my guess, another branch. They look thugs to me. Tokkies, we call them.
What they really want is a mess in order to institute martial law. Then the pretext is present to lockdown everything again.
In terms of demonstration, I would go mobile in small groups: 20-30 max. Take a position, remain some time and move to the next location, running circels, exhaust the shit of out these hooligans with a badge.
There is a lot one could learn when researching: technicals. And farmers, by default, have a lot of skill to churn out technicals.
It is interesting to note that the actions taken by the farmers are not really damaging or anyway BLM/antifa like.
How much do know of that is at stake here?
And besides, you really think that government has not been playing childisch games? Like: fucking up tax discounts, labeling those who were fucked as criminals and taking their children away while leaving the parents in deep shit on a chapter 13? That sort of childish?
Like: hoaxing the whole population into covaxx, lockdowns, curfew's, social distance, angst and anxiety while prohibiting cheap and effective remedies, while leaving the " vulnerable" alone and bereft of humane contact and left to die? That kind of childish?
Like: losing the curfew argument and staging an appeal within 4 hours while everybody else waits in line for 4 months to have an appeal while the outcome was already clear? That kind of Childish?
Like: declaring war on the population and screaming bloody murder, and the next destruction of OUR democracy, while only a 70 year old woman visited a politician? that kind of Childish?
Like: Taking in 50.000 ukranians while dusting off the 1958 movement of the population law giving them powers to quarter ANY mass-immigrant-fortune-seeker in your bedroom? That kind of Childish?
Like: Dumping wind mills all over our coasts while pumping 100 billion in this project, using EU law on Natura 2000 to disposes generations of farmers on a NO2 hoax, while to damn well know that these farmers meet the critieria of emissions but those damn airfields like Schiphol do not but are protected? That kind of Childish?
This ship of fools should thank their SATAN on their knees they have not yet been beheaded like Van Oldenbarneveldt
or torn apart by the mob.
You proved my point, painting the town brown after witnessing all these events and more is just childish. If someone wants to take your, your family, your country way of life over some bullshit reason so they can grab more power there is only a narrow course of action that needs to be taken. It should be blatently apparent what's going on in the world and Dutch need to be more serious
Dutch as ahas designation no longer any meaning. 25% of the pop is already foreigner.
When the proverbial shit hits the fan, when a power vacuum is created, ......
At any rate, the attempted murder of a 16 year old farmersboy on a tractor failed because of two things: The bullet got stuck in the metal of the tractor cabin, and the officer in question was signaled by his collegue to holster his piece.
The officer in question has a military style built and behavior. Dutch Police is not trained to take headshots. Police would first take their piece and shoot in the air unless their life is in imminent danger, because every Dutch knows: no weapons of any kind are brought to a protest.
His weaponhandling is way too trained. My guess is, either he is on loan from the military, or, he is a failed Marine, air-mobile-brigrade type of guy. And I would suppose he has been abroad....
The situation did not call for any of his actions. Military training vs police training. So, he is a rookie on a new field, and maybe has had too much coke up his nose.
However, in 21 they changed the law on police violence and it is easier to be let of the hook. Meaning, the threshold to become violent for a police-officer is very low.
Also, compare the deployment of what we call Romeo's. These are from, my guess, another branch. They look thugs to me. Tokkies, we call them.
What they really want is a mess in order to institute martial law. Then the pretext is present to lockdown everything again.
In terms of demonstration, I would go mobile in small groups: 20-30 max. Take a position, remain some time and move to the next location, running circels, exhaust the shit of out these hooligans with a badge.
There is a lot one could learn when researching: technicals. And farmers, by default, have a lot of skill to churn out technicals.
It is interesting to note that the actions taken by the farmers are not really damaging or anyway BLM/antifa like.
It is a fine line to walk.