I am going to say the following to give balance to this topic. The JP is a liberal rag so it only shows a liberal secular "Jewish" view of abortion, which is really nothing more than perverted Social Justice and not a true Jewish value. These SJWs twist the actual principle on allowing abortion to save life by extending the meaning to include abortion for any reason. The intent of the permission is not to allow the killing of the unborn on demand. The underlying principle behind the permission is to save life - not to end it. Conservative orthodox Judaism, like most conservative Christianity, believes that life begins at conception and permits abortion only when there is no other way to save the life of the mother. If the baby is viable, it is to be given a chance to live and is delivered. Most conservative abortion law does not even classify such a procedure as abortion, but as a medically necessary means to save the mother - which is in line with orthodox Jewish law. This includes things like ectopic pregnancy. There is a vast difference between orthodox Judaism and the more vocal secular Jews that get all the press. We must be careful not to paint groups of people with the same wide brush.
Absolutely. A foundation of the all Jewish halachic law is that all effort should be taken to preserve the life of both the mother and the child. Modern SJW leftist politics have twisted a permission given in Jewish law, that was only meant for the most rare and dire of circumstances, and expanded its meaning to such an extent as to allow for the killing of children for any reason a woman deems as detrimental - financial, emotional, etc. They have created a loophole where one does not actually exist in order to rubber stamp behavior. That understanding is not one of orthodox Jewish interpretation. Ending the life of another human being is not meant to be taken lightly as all are created in His image and children are a blessing from the Almighty. The commandment was to be fruitful and multiply - not to kill His legacy.
In the case of ending the life of an unborn child, it should only be done when the life of the mother is in actual danger - as in ectopic pregnancy. Preservation of life has always been a pillar of Jewish law and at its heart is the commandment to love your neighbor. It is a shame when those trying to justify such a politically or morally charged issue like abortion on demand seem to play the religious or ethnic card as though that somehow makes their case. I just wanted to give the other side to this debate that is not always portrayed in the media.
I am going to say the following to give balance to this topic. The JP is a liberal rag so it only shows a liberal secular "Jewish" view of abortion, which is really nothing more than perverted Social Justice and not a true Jewish value. These SJWs twist the actual principle on allowing abortion to save life by extending the meaning to include abortion for any reason. The intent of the permission is not to allow the killing of the unborn on demand. The underlying principle behind the permission is to save life - not to end it. Conservative orthodox Judaism, like most conservative Christianity, believes that life begins at conception and permits abortion only when there is no other way to save the life of the mother. If the baby is viable, it is to be given a chance to live and is delivered. Most conservative abortion law does not even classify such a procedure as abortion, but as a medically necessary means to save the mother - which is in line with orthodox Jewish law. This includes things like ectopic pregnancy. There is a vast difference between orthodox Judaism and the more vocal secular Jews that get all the press. We must be careful not to paint groups of people with the same wide brush.
If the baby has to be removed to save the life of the mother, the best effort possible must be done by the doctors to keep the baby alive.
Absolutely. A foundation of the all Jewish halachic law is that all effort should be taken to preserve the life of both the mother and the child. Modern SJW leftist politics have twisted a permission given in Jewish law, that was only meant for the most rare and dire of circumstances, and expanded its meaning to such an extent as to allow for the killing of children for any reason a woman deems as detrimental - financial, emotional, etc. They have created a loophole where one does not actually exist in order to rubber stamp behavior. That understanding is not one of orthodox Jewish interpretation. Ending the life of another human being is not meant to be taken lightly as all are created in His image and children are a blessing from the Almighty. The commandment was to be fruitful and multiply - not to kill His legacy.
In the case of ending the life of an unborn child, it should only be done when the life of the mother is in actual danger - as in ectopic pregnancy. Preservation of life has always been a pillar of Jewish law and at its heart is the commandment to love your neighbor. It is a shame when those trying to justify such a politically or morally charged issue like abortion on demand seem to play the religious or ethnic card as though that somehow makes their case. I just wanted to give the other side to this debate that is not always portrayed in the media.