Refused to wear a face diaper. Their reason, because they had to wear one,I need to wear one. I told them there was no scientific evidence to the effectiveness of them. This was all a charade, and according to Ron DeSantis companies need to stop people wearing them.
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I've told mask wearers before: "Do you think YOUR mask is effective? Does it stop you from breathing in the virus and spreading it to others?"
If so... then I don't need to wear one. Your mask offers plenty of protection for both of us. Thank you for wearing one, so others don't have to. :>)
If they argue back that YOU need to wear a mask too, because it improves the virus protection... then simply ask them to wear TWO masks. That way, we're both protected, but you are wearing both masks. It's the same thing as each of us wearing one, but this way, only you have to take the responsibility. :>)
Hell yeah. If it works, you can wear one for both of us, fucko.