157 Million Americans Now REFUSE the Vax; 74 Million NEVER Took A Single Dose
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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Here are the POPULATION LOSSES that Deagel predicted:
(I screen shot the website before they purged it. Here are my notes from it.)
The US would lose 70% of its people,
from 332,900,000 (2021) to 99,870,000 (2025)
And here are the other countries LOSSES OF PEOPLE:
the UK: 78%
Ireland: 73.7%
Luxembourg: 66.5%
Israel: 52.1%
Spain: 43.3%
France: 41.8%
Australia: 34.6%
Jordan: 32.8%
Denmark: 32.7%
Italy: 30%
Belgium: 29.9%
Ukraine: 28.2%
Norway 28%
New Zealand 27.1%
Canada: 26%
UAE: 23.2%
Many other countries would not lose population, but would GAIN population:
Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ghana, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Vietnam, and more.
Russia, China and Iran would lose very few.
35% loss in Australia and 26% loss in Canada seem very low for the number of vaxxed retard sheep in those countries.
Yes, I do agree with you. But remember, these were just projections based on a model. The 'Planners' could not have estimated the successful iron fist rule that the newly revealed Communist Trudeau imposed upon his people and the success of the censorship and brainwashing that the media cooperated in that coerced the decent, law abiding citizens of Canada and Australia to go against their own common sense.