CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check everyone's offshore accounts for the difference. How are we going to clean up this mess?

CasuallyObservant 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't have instagram, but I can click on it and watch it!

CasuallyObservant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey! I gave her that nickname way back in 2019.

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which makes no sense.... unless...

The audibles we heard show 3 shots in equal spacing, then 5 much faster, different gun, then 1 single shot. If there were 5 casings, was someone else the first shooter?

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw that, too. On one of the Body Language videos of the event. It was small around. How big of a bullet would make that, do you think?

CasuallyObservant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Questions that don't have answers yet:

  1. Why was his backpack and his gun so far away from his body?

  2. Did anyone see any shell casings up there?

  3. Why did he have dried blood on his face, but wet blood on his body?

  4. Why didn't the police in the 2nd floor window stop him before it got bad?

CasuallyObservant 4 points ago +4 / -0

This image is from 3 1/2 months ago - April 4, 2024. It is just a low-res copy of the original, which will blur out fine details.

But yes, they both look awesome here!

CasuallyObservant 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why was there so little blood?

Why no blood spray or brains blown out if he took a shot to the head?

Why does his modicum of blood flow stay in a thickened snake-like line as it rolled down the roof? (This may be an example of thick, ropey blood from being vaccinated and boosted).

Why were those in the room with the wide-open window not doing anything about him crawling across the roof with an AR-15?

Why was his backpack and gun so far away from him?

Wasn't he shot while laying prone in a sniper position?

If so, why wasn't his gun underneath him when they found his dead body?

What else explains this separation of gun, backpack and body?

Was his body moved? Otherwise, how did his blood roll down from back of head to front and dry like that, if his face was turned like this? And it wouldn't roll like that if he had been shot from the front, would it?

Too many anomalies and red flags here. Man!

CasuallyObservant 7 points ago +7 / -0

I hear you. Try being married to someone who I now believe falls on the Asperger's spectrum who feels very little emotion and simply doesn't react or notice when something happens, while I feel everything for everyone, read body language like an expert and see everything and react in microseconds.

It's so hard to explain my feelings and observations to those in my sphere who just can't understand nor fathom any of it.

One example of my marital mismatch:

Years ago, we we went to see a movie together and then to dinner afterwards near the theater. The movie was a new blockbuster that was full of fantastic dialogue, incredible special effects, great soundtrack, and clever comedic moments. It ran almost 3 hrs. I thought it was absolutely terrific and couldn't say enough good things about it as we walked out. I liked it very much.

After being seated at our table, our waitress asked us if we'd just come from the theater and what did we see and did we like it?

My spouse said, "We saw ___. It was fine." And that was the entirety of the response. Sigh...

It's tough living in this world with the kind of disparate thinking patterns we each possess!

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

In further researching the subject I find that all of the hubbub about Frank Biden's statement about Joe's health originated from one source: CBS news. Their journalist Nancy Cordes claims that Frank spoke with their news agency. No video was provided. It was her solitary report that was the genesis for all other news sources repeating that same comment. I was mistaken that it was Frank tweeting. Below is the woman reporting on this:

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you are asking if I compiled and created the timeline by myself, the answer is yes. I keep notes and data on all of these things for my own edification and thought it would be helpful to see it all in one document.

CasuallyObservant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember that very scene when the 3 Ghostbusters were trying to defeat the Giant Stay Puft Marshmallow man and were each utilizing their individual 'Proton Pack lassos' side-by-side? The beams accidentally intertwined creating a much more powerful weapon, which defeated the walking giant, surprising even them.

I like to think that our prayers and efforts TOGETHER create a much more powerful weapon than each of us alone can do.

We must remember what it says in the bible, when two or more of you pray together, I will be there with you/ you will form a church.

We should actively organize 'intentional mental imagery/prayers' to manifest the protection of our key people and their success in helping this nation.

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