CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh wow! You Are Free TV! I used to watch her all the time, then zip. She was gone. I had no idea where she went. Now I know. Yippee!

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

We had wide, high windows the length of our classroom that were cranked open and closed by the tallest boy using a pole each day to allow air circulation and natural light. No A/C back then. But I remember that when we practiced air raid drills, we'd flip our desks on their sides with the desktop facing the windows and us hiding behind it (barely) to protect us from the shattering glass that they were sure would shoot across the room when a bomb hit nearby or if an atomic blast happened.

I remember being both excited and scared when we had these drills. Afterwards, we were told to 'run home to mommy' as fast as we could. Back then, there was a mom in every home. Those were the days.

CasuallyObservant 9 points ago +9 / -0

This guy is a real outstanding candidate. Proven himself as a real top notch Pilot and Leader. If you read about him, he excelled every step of the way and was promoted up the ranks to ultimately Commander of Space Force but was kicked out and denied his pension when he spoke against the woke DEI bull shit that he was seeing.

Trump's choice to name him Undersecretary of the Air Force, is such a fitting remedy and payback for the atrocious treatment he received.

CasuallyObservant 5 points ago +5 / -0
  • #1. Now that China has removed the geofencing restriction from all drones they've manufactured, it is now completely unsafe to have it outside.

And, mostly all drones sold in the US are Chinese made, not just the military drones that foreign and domestic militaries use, but even the cheap residential 'hobby' drones. So any solo actor with nefarious intentions could fly a drone over the restricted space and that's just a ridiculous situation.

This is simply too much risk with such a big crowd and wide-open space.

  • #2. On its own, the already heavy snowfall with high winds (making the windchill a big factor) and the potential for sleet, snow or rain kinda ruins what would be a beautiful event, making it unwise to hold outdoors. This makes the grounds slippery, freezingly uncomfortable, a health risk and miserable for all involved. How can anyone enjoy such an event in these conditions?

I'm glad he made this call.

CasuallyObservant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh my gosh. How in the world? The UK people have been is such a state of suppression and poverty that they offered no defense when the usurpers took over. British, Irish, Wales - get yourself together!

How to save them??

CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

For clarification:

Reports allege that she joined those 2 groups back in 1973, when she was college aged. We can surmise that those same 2 groups continued on after her affiliation, if it ended. We don't know if she was with the terrorist bombers when they traveled with the Venceremos Brigade to Cuba, but it is being alleged that she was. Nowhere can I find that Karen founded Venceremos, only that she was a member of it. This Wikipedia article tells who did found the original group and its offshoot and her name is not mentioned:

VENCEREMOS - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venceremos_(political_organization)

VENCEREMOS BRIGADE - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venceremos_Brigade

Now, the first terrorist attack didn't happen until 1983, 10 years later.

Was she still with that group and hanging with those that perpetrated the terrorist activities? Marching and holding signs in college is one thing. Building bombs and destroying things when you are in your late 20s and 30s or beyond is another.

All the others went to jail. Karen didn't. I think there are so many questions that need answers.

CasuallyObservant 6 points ago +6 / -0

There was a lot of discussion about this yesterday. Karen Bass was not the Ring Leader. See the comments here:


CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this Mother of All Shit Storm? Or what?

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK, I'm dumb. What is MOASS?

CasuallyObservant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bill is and was a disgustingly evil person. He must be a sociopath to feel no remorse for his terrible behavior.

CasuallyObservant 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think that hot pink was perfectly fitted on her outstanding figure.

CasuallyObservant 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, if I have to say something good, I'll say that I actually like that pink jacket on Jill. It is a good color on her, looks well made and expensive and fits her well.

CasuallyObservant 19 points ago +19 / -0

Adam Schiff has a personal stake in this. He seems so riled up about it. It's a shame she couldn't have thrown back a question for him such as, "Why did you continue to attend Ed Buck's Parties when you knew he was drugging and raping black, male prostitutes?"

CasuallyObservant 11 points ago +11 / -0

I believe the above headline is misstating the facts Please read below:

It does not appear that Karen was the ringleader, nor was she a part of the small group who were arrested for the 1983 U.S. Senate building bombing or any of the related bombings that followed by the same radical group. But she did hang with some of the members who did. See the following information gleaned from researching numerous published reports:

Karen was a radical activist who joined the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and another group called the Venceremos Brigade in South Los Angeles starting in 1973. The Brigade became a Cuban revolutionary group dedicated to spreading Communism and Marxism through violent revolution on a global scale, and bringing Cubans to America outside of the normal pathways.

Karen Bass's Brigade members traveled often to Cuba, and at least once, some members of another state's chapter of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) joined The Brigade on one of those trips.

The members who joined her had formed a subgroup called 'M19' which consisted of five radicalized lesbians and a couple of cucked guys. Most were Jewish. All are also named as members of the 'Weather Underground' a far-left Marxist militant organization. But not Karen Bass.

Between 1983 and 1985, the M19 group bombed not just the United States Capitol Building, but three military installations in the Washington D.C. area and four sites in New York City.

Members arrested were: Marilyn Buck, Linda Evans, Laura Whitehorn, Susan Rosenberg, Timothy Blunk and Alan Berkman. An alleged seventh member of the group, Elizabeth Duke, remained a fugitive.

Karen Bass's name was not mentioned in any of the articles related to the actual bombing - other than her Venceremos Brigades' affiliation with those who did it.

CasuallyObservant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Heter Iska

A Heter Iska is a Jewish religious document that allows a lender and borrower to comply with Jewish law that prohibits the payment or collection of interest on loans between Jewish people.

The term translates to "partnership clause".

A Heter Iska restructures a loan as an investment partnership, with the lender becoming the investor and the borrower becoming the manager. The lender and borrower share profits and losses, and the borrower pays the lender their share of the profits instead of interest.

Here are some things to know about Heter Iska:

  • It's a centuries-old practice.
  • It's an addendum to other lending documents.
  • It requires the investor and recipient to orally agree to the terms of the Heter Iska before signing any loan documents.
  • The investor must give the recipient $1 as wages for their labor.
  • The Heter Iska must be filled out completely and signed by the investor and recipient in the presence of a witness.
  • The witness must be valid according to the state where the Heter Iska is signed.
CasuallyObservant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's hope if it is a false narrative, it's not to harm Trump or his supporters during the inauguration or before, with drone-caused mayhem under the direction of the Dem party/ Deep State in Wash DC.

They'll blame it on China, forcing us into a manufactured war with same.

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