posted ago by Litehouse ago by Litehouse +28 / -0

So, I am not a good communicator and I am asking God for the words to say.

We have a caregiver here helping me care for a family member who is on hospice. She is a democrat (likely) and mid 60s. I LOVE her as she is the most compassionate and kindest person, but she gets her news from social media and she is so way off on many things it makes me sad…

Through just conversations that arise, i have gotten her to wake up to some things. She now believes the vax is bad (no more boosters for her). Biden at least has dementia and the people behind him are out to destroy the US (talking to her about him sending money and oil overseas). She does not believe any MSM is telling the truth about anything. The same Antifa that infiltrated BLM and turned them violent, infiltrated J6 (I know antifa is not solely to blame for BLM looting and burning, but the point was well taken). She believes that not all people in any group are all bad or all good. She believes the Philadelphia kid was mentally ill not a “crazed Trump supporter. And the point that I drove home today is that the division and hate in our country is not going to be solved by the government, but by God. And that God wins in the end.

She never did believe Biden got 81 million votes, lol.

Today, she cried and hugged me for my words and that she feels God put her here to learn from me and be encouraged.

Please pray that I can continue to speak truth and in a way that opens her heart. Sometimes it takes dancing around an issue and not being too direct as to be offensive but still getting the point across.