BMFS!!!! My favorite modern musician. Very talented on any stringed instrument but guitar is his best. Seen him in Ohio and Kentucky and he is mind blowing.
My goodness! I asked for him to be brought up to AK for our Salmonstock (now Salmonfeat) festival! Hardly get to those anymore (festivals) but would love to see him in person! Absolutely superior on all strings he plays.
I’m still trying to decipher his lyrics. It’s hard knowing what we know, just as this video could go either way.
I’m so sad to think even bluegrass has been taken over?
I’d been told about him, downloaded his music, and still didn’t understand how young and talented he was … just followed the video link I posted myself and WOW! You are so right! Guitar is his primary instrument.
Unfortunately for me as an anon, I didn’t research myself, he was just on a playlist …
But damn! Great guitar licks and still can apply his lyrics to today ((past shows present) and what we are going through. Except the lyrics that show he is “woke”
And this is why I didn’t know much about him … so sad to say I fell into the trap of YouTube after posting this. Uhg - he is older now and looks like shit. Picking isn’t the same. He looks drugged. So sad.
YouTube again - just to show how little I knew about him. Just heard him and was amazed today. Now not so much.
Ultimately, I would consider him “woke” as I really listen to the lyrics. They seem to be pointing to that. But it is good music (excellent strings all around) and hey, we can turn their lyrics around (think mirror) and use them against them for enlightenment of our current situation?
BMFS!!!! My favorite modern musician. Very talented on any stringed instrument but guitar is his best. Seen him in Ohio and Kentucky and he is mind blowing.
My goodness! I asked for him to be brought up to AK for our Salmonstock (now Salmonfeat) festival! Hardly get to those anymore (festivals) but would love to see him in person! Absolutely superior on all strings he plays.
I’m still trying to decipher his lyrics. It’s hard knowing what we know, just as this video could go either way.
I’m so sad to think even bluegrass has been taken over?
Well, the joke is on me :-/
I’d been told about him, downloaded his music, and still didn’t understand how young and talented he was … just followed the video link I posted myself and WOW! You are so right! Guitar is his primary instrument.
Unfortunately for me as an anon, I didn’t research myself, he was just on a playlist …
But damn! Great guitar licks and still can apply his lyrics to today ((past shows present) and what we are going through. Except the lyrics that show he is “woke”
Again, I hate that bluegrass is even “woke”
And this is why I didn’t know much about him … so sad to say I fell into the trap of YouTube after posting this. Uhg - he is older now and looks like shit. Picking isn’t the same. He looks drugged. So sad.
YouTube again - just to show how little I knew about him. Just heard him and was amazed today. Now not so much.
Ultimately, I would consider him “woke” as I really listen to the lyrics. They seem to be pointing to that. But it is good music (excellent strings all around) and hey, we can turn their lyrics around (think mirror) and use them against them for enlightenment of our current situation?