SassyLass 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree. I’m in Alaska and the Pine Bark beetles that have left hundreds of acres of dead trees in the forest provides prime fuel for a lightening strike. We have had large forest fires for the last 20 years because of this. I highly doubt it was intentional.

SassyLass 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you - not an ideal way to read it but at least it can be read!

SassyLass 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think it is a great decode, but when I went to click on the link I posted to review it - doesn’t bring up the thread, so something went wrong with my post. But, I’d like to leave it up for the info from this X annon so others can find it, if that’s ok? Or should I try to repost? Is there something about the copied link I should fix in order for the whole thread to show?

SassyLass 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why have sniper detail if they aren’t allowed to engage?

SassyLass 12 points ago +12 / -0

They want a reaction. Don’t give it to them. Sit back, analyze and wait 72 hours. We know this!

SassyLass 2 points ago +2 / -0

Things I noticed: shooter was wearing desert camo, yet their were trees behind him? Talk about a .223, but can that make it at 209 yards? Any ammo experts here care to start a convo on ballistics and how the SS could have let a desert cammo guy through the woods up to a rooftop 200 yards away? I’m not military, just questions I have.

SassyLass 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep - I tried them out and couldn’t find any of the things I wanted. It is a poor platform. Wish I could use them but living in a remote area, unfortunately Amazon does drive me a better experience. I just weed through all the cheap Chinese shit to find American made products.

SassyLass 2 points ago +2 / -0

So thankful I have an NP who doesn’t push anything, and agrees with me on all important issues. I’d also add that IV bars popping up have some great benefits (wish I would have invested and been the first in my area). You can get an NAD infusion, Vit C, all the B’s ect - so many choices. I was feeling extremely run down after a vacation and went the next day when I got home, and it was so amazing the difference I felt within one day.

SassyLass 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agree - all vaccines from this point on should be considered dangerous. But from my understanding, the J&J wasn’t the mRNA tech - just used fragments of DNA similar to a “normal” vax. There might be some comfort in that. The mRNA seems to really be the issue?

SassyLass 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is how it worked for Lisa Murkowski in Alaska after she lost the primary. Definitely been tried and successful before.

SassyLass 9 points ago +9 / -0

This may be the strategy if States take him off the ballot, because “a felon” …

There was a successful “write in” campaign for Lisa Mukowski in Alaska when we voted her ass out in the primary against Joe Miller. If we turn the tide to write in Trump, like Alaska did Murkowski, we have precedence set there aleady too. But there is always water leaks and ballots destroyed, etc…

I am just praying Jesus comes soon.

SassyLass 6 points ago +6 / -0

No worries - he doesn’t have to campaign now…

SassyLass 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I know something about patient privacy and how to give modest coverage to anyone in a medical setting. So NO! Flat out, this isn’t a bunch of men waiting peacefully, naked, to get a finger put up their butt hole. Give me a break! Come up with a better explanation. Please.

SassyLass 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the tip. I’ll search for the tread. I don’t care how many pedes of my age group are afraid to give up their idealistic idolization of groups from our period in time. It is time to expose them all.

SassyLass 0 points ago +1 / -1

Read below. If it hadn’t been for this forum to ask me to question everything, I am now questioning the intent of a bunch of naked men sitting in a line of chairs. We talk big time about symbolism. So what is wrong with questioning album covers and their intents and purposes?

SassyLass 0 points ago +1 / -1

I personally love FM. Bit also so many others. Even the B sides. I think they were geniuses in their transitions and ability to rock so many chords. It is this album cover I have a strong opposition too.

SassyLass 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who would have thought that bringing Steely Dan too light would bring us all to question our perception and each other? Let’s be civil here - I was only commenting on the album cover that seems to be more than it seems?

SassyLass -1 points ago +1 / -2

And I get it Pepe! I personally liked their musical chord transitions that were tight and, I think smooth.

It is just knowing what we know now, the album cover completely grossed me out. Even you, as a great Pede on this forum can see it?

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