This is absolutely disgusting. The parental unit maskholes need to be ridiculed...and then subjected to the same or similar fates to which they put their poor, innocent kids through. This kind of shit makes my blood boil.
I call these people out in public. I need you all to do the same. SPEAK UP. don't just walk by and cringe.
STAND UP FOR THE CHILDREN. You'll never know the impact it will have on the child that a random stranger is defending THEM from their own parents. You must speak.
This is absolutely disgusting. The parental unit maskholes need to be ridiculed...and then subjected to the same or similar fates to which they put their poor, innocent kids through. This kind of shit makes my blood boil.
I call these people out in public. I need you all to do the same. SPEAK UP. don't just walk by and cringe. STAND UP FOR THE CHILDREN. You'll never know the impact it will have on the child that a random stranger is defending THEM from their own parents. You must speak.