The media is spread knowledge about this messed up rock arrangement and unintentionally red-pilling normies at the same time.
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There is a reason why the stones were located two hours out in the middle of nowhere.
There is a reason why nobody knows the names of the people who designed and financed the stones.
Anonymity and obfuscation were vital to the purpose of the stones. The Cabal needed our permission to begin their global genocide and one world government. This is a major tenet of their twisted cult. By placing these stones on American soil, they received our "permission" for everything that was inscribed upon them.
The masses were never meant to know these stones existed. They were never meant to know what was on them.
The demolition of these stones is nothing short of humanity's rejection of the Cabal's entire global agenda.
This event is so much more important than most realize.
This explains the quick demolition. It will be memory holed by Monday. 13 of 14 dead globally. 7billion -6.5 billion. They wanted those stones to stay silent yet exist as their fair warning. They don't want those figures to be thought about. Destroying them is a major assault.
Ted Turner is spinning in his grave at about 30,000 RPM.....
I hope he's burning in hell......
it was Maurice Strong not Ted Turner - although they are cronies
Maybe, but back when they got put up, it was Ted that made a sideways mention of them.....