HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope, AI doesn't count.....

Han over something Solid, something written by Humans, something I can point at and say, well it was written in the year____, by someone named ____ _____, and it's hard to dispute.....

This shit by AI, nah, it's written by a Machine, an the obvious question is:: Validate my Statement of ____________________....

So, no, go and DO BETTER.....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your ""IDEA"" is fair at best, but leaves out many, many, many Other Factors that are Constants in Weather, mainly, the Sun....

But you still did NOT give any PROOF that Ranchers did anything to make or influence the making of the Deserts, an that IS the Proof I want, so stop acting like a Chapped Ass Leftist an Present the Proof.....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thanks for PROVING NOTHING....

You made Claims that you didn't and can't back up, and I'm somehow the Asshole....

Nope, I CAN an Did at least give a Link to Proof that the Fucking Deserts are thousands of years old, Thousands, but you can't be bothered to Prove any part of your claim???

Typical Leftist gaslighting, go blow sunshine up someone elses ass....

You CAN'T PROVE any portion of your stupid claim.....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

You calling it a KNOWN FACT doesn't make it into a Known Fact, but where's the PROOF???

Hand over some PROOF of what you are claiming, you can't because it doesn't exist....

150 Years ago we were barely starting to recover from Lincolns war against the States, Ranchers were NOT doing anything in any Desert....

Stop Lying, you're looking like a Leftists with a Bent against Ranchers....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your Stupid Claim against RANCHERS, which I am a Rancher....

You threw out a completely wild unsubstantiated claim that Ranchers Drained some Swamps or Lakes, an that's what made the American Deserts, and that's 100% untrue, a Complete Lie....

Ranchers did not do that, they need the water for the Cattle, it would be very Counterproductive to their entire operations....

Those Deserts, like the Mojave an the Arizona Salt Flats were already Deserts long before any Ranchers arrived, and they have been Deserts for Thousands of years, it's impossible for the Ranchers to have ha any Effect on them at all considering they are nothing more than Death Traps, an there's absolutely no way to drive a herd across them....

But my question is WHY would you tell a Massive Lie about Ranchers???


HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

We knew way back in like '18 when all this shit was making waves that there were Thousands of Pages of data, and something like 10s of Thousands of hours of Videos that were being used to Manipulate Politicians through Blackmail....

So there's Copies of everything, what Bondi and Patel are calling for is the Originals, mainly because it's Better Evidence than any copy, although Copies can be use in Court where no Original can be found....

But Recovery from a Server, although it is Possible above a certain point, the more Levels of burn on the Disks, the more difficult it becomes, and after something like 6-10 Levels all you get is basically garbage....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

And yet you still don't know what Cowboys and Farmers DO....

Maybe you might enjoy going an hanging out with some Real Working Men on a Ranch for a week or two....

It might just change your perspective....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, she IS a Member of one of those Cartels, she Inherited the position from Janet Napolitano who was in tight with The Biggest Man in the Cartels, he use to brag that he put 3 Presidents into Office in Mexico....

It's a very interesting story, an it shows one hell of a lot about the power the Cartels have over the Mexicans an their federation.....

HOSEQ 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's you City animals that destroyed everything good.....

You put up Massive Buildings and paved over beautiful Fields for your Parking Lots and Chain Stores....

The only thing Cowboys really do is work WITH Nature, not against it because working against it is futile, and a waste of energy....

An now with all this Stupidity of Vegan and such bullshit, the Farmers are pushed to kill off everything in their fields in order to make the Shit Foods that City Animals want....

It's YOU and Yours that are the Problem, not the Cowboys and Farmers....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Current 13th Amend allows for Slavery and such as Punishment for Crimes, and since Crossing or Entering our States Illegally is already a Crime, I don't see a problem with putting them into a Work Prison....

Although I o see a problem with Lowering the CO2 especially knowing that CO2 is PLANT FOOD, an without it they Starve an WE Also Starve....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

The main part of the Debt is owe by the U.S. Government to the Public, it is with Our Goo Faith an Our Credit that they have been borrowing that Private Banking Corporations Currency, so they OWE US before they owe the Bank....

The Privately Owned Bank can stand aside and wait its turn to be paid, IF there's anything left after ALL of us collect on their, the U.S. Governments Debt....

HOSEQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Funny thing about ALL of this, and the Comments especially, is that the U.S.Government is the Only one that this EO applies to....

Y'all seem to think that the FEDERATION is the owner of the States, it is NOT the Owner of them, but it is OWNED by the States....

But reading through all of these Comments, especially the ones about Education, tells me that you people might have SOME Education, but are sorely LACKING in American Civics and Government Studies, and the FORM of the Union....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

You've never taken any time to actually fin out per definitions exactly what that THING is that is called ""United States"", have you???

IF you ha, you would instinctively know that this EO is NOT Applicable to any of the States, only to the FEDERATION....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Funny thing about all of this is that His EO is only good an enforceable within the Federation, an has ZERO EFFECT on or In any of the States.....

Everyone here cheering this on is a FOOL of Major Proportions, believing that the U.S. Government OWNS the States an can boss them around....

The Truth is that the U.S. Government cannot Exist without the States, they Created the U.S. Government, it's an AGENT of the States....

It is the REPRESENTATIVE of the STATES....

Each State is a Nation unto itself, an as such can make their own Official Language by a Vote of all its Citizens....

U.S. Citizens should purposely be Excluded by Law from that Vote, but the Shitty Communist 14th Amendment stands in the way.....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0


When do those ""TEN DAYS OF DARKNESS"" finally arrive, or did I totally miss something????

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm honestly not very hopeful on this one....

They take these children and use them up as Sex Toys, then chop them up for Internal Body Parts that get sol to the Richest, Oldest or most Infirm, and like that, it's how David Rockefeller lived as long as he did, he was buying Teenage Hearts to be transplanted into him when his Body rejected the previous one....

Only his Doctors know how many he went through, and for how long, but, it's a World Wide thing....

HOSEQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Cartels may have lots of Mexican Army SF, but they mostly fight against Mexican Cops or each other, and even civilians....

they might think they know Spec Ops, and may have even practiced those Tactics a few times while IN, but Mexico hasn't been in a Real War for a Very, Very, Very, long time, an their Tactics might be solid, but without Practice, well, you know.....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The PROBLEM with what's being suggested comes own to WORD DEFINITIONS, and although some 99.999% of Americans think and believe they know exactly what the words mean, they actually Don't Know Jack Shit from Shine-O-la....

The word ""STATE"" literally means Nation....

It's just that simple, and with all the many ways that a bunch of Dumbasses have tried to redefine it, they didn't change a single thing, Nation and State still mean the same thing....

Neither Canada nor the U.S. are ""Nations"", EXCEPT for External International Purposes.....


As for IN-ternal International Law Purposes, we have the Founding Documents to look at for the correct Regulation of our >INTERNAL< International Law and Processes....

Otherwise, Both Canada and the U.S. are Officially Federations, aka, Groups of Nations, and this one little FACT cannot be IGNORED, because if it is Ignored, that would make us IGNORANT....

Beyond the Semantics of Law, we still would have to deal with both of their Failing Socialist Economies, and WE the Americans would have to suck up their DEBTS, you know, debts that are NOT OURS....

Plus we will still have to deal with our own Socialist GibsMeDats, so why would we want to also have theirs on our dole too???

That's just Nonsense....

Greenland, sure, it's just 1 Nation, a Single State that we can easily incorporate and they have some good resources we can use, and are in a Military Strategic Strongpoint when it comes down to World Affairs, it is Good Common Sense to gain them as either another Member Nation to our Union, or at very least as a Territory....

Mexico has almost Nothing to offer us beyond Fruits and Vegetables, most of which we can grow for ourselves, but in the Winter, sure, we can BUY all we need from Mexico, and do not NEED much else....

Either way, it's all sounding a lot like the NAU Plan, which I abhor....

We o not need the::

Mexican Federation....

Canadian Federation....

Because we already have the U.S. Federation....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing, none, nada, so I simply threw it away as a project, an now, what we have is lots of people pissed off because the state Government is Stupid and doesn't understand that ALL Drivers Licenses are COMMERCIAL, but now the WV STATE LEGISLATURE wants Drivers of Uber and such to get a Super Special Commercial Drivers License.....

It's all getting much more Ignorant than I can possibly describe, at times I think these people are just drunk and stoned running around in their tighty whiteys making up shit just for shits and giggles.....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

We already have that happening::



""…establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the security and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared borders.""


IF this becomes a Reality, it will Destroy OUR American Economy, even as it Improves Both Canadian and Mexican Economies....

Not to mention all the Gibsicans will be here and back on the dole....

And that THING they call a President in Mexico isn't going to secure any of Mexicos Borders, how???

I mean, really, almost nobody respects her, and a Woman just doesn't command in the same manner as a Man, not mentioning the ""J"" thing....

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