HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, so it's a 3 Man Team, now you need one Rope that's at the very least twice the height of the Tower....

One man alone can rappel down pretty fast, but the opposite end of the rope has to be firmly tied at the bottom, then run the lose end back through the Floor of the Water Tower, maybe.....

But on a Zip Line, it would still need to be fully secured on such a way that he could zip down one side, then untie the rope, and spend a long time collecting it, probably need some crazy long rope....

In the Army we used to rappel down some crazy Cliffs, and on the very last drop, I wasn't about to climb back up there to get the rope, and for all I know, it's probably still tied around the boulder at the top....

HOSEQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not focused on the shooting side of it, but on the Climb Up, and subsequent Getting Down....

Having been Airborne and Air Assault, Well, there really isn't enough space between the top of the Tower and the Ground to open a Chute, so that's out....

There's Rappelling Rope, but when you're down, the rope stays tied to the Tower, and it becomes a huge ""tell""....

But this guy specifically said Zip Line, so that is where it becomes not just highly improbable, but seriously silly on an Intellectual Level, mainly because once you zip Down, you have to either set off yet another sonic boom for people to go and investigate, or it's climb all the way back to the top and untie the Zip Line.....

Or leave it there as yet another Obvious tell....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking it would be funny to see Videos from other countries, where the kids imitate the Hulk Hogan Shirt rip....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty Much since the Declaration of Independence was written, and the Royal Families of Europe decided to come together in order to take us out....

They even made a Secret Treaty to those ends....

Either way, Joe McCarthy was Right, we have Commies running everywhere, pushing their Agenda to destroy us, and WE are going to be pushed into implementing some sort of Hard Stop to it, IF we are to Survive as a Union of Nations....

HOSEQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cable, ok, sure, and we're back at looking at how much some 600 Feet of Steel Cable weighs, and the Thickness, so it doesn't break easily....

1/4 inch is the absolute smallest I'd go with for safety, but then, at 12 lbs per 100 Feet, we're looking at some 72+ Lbs, on a straight up Climb, plus a Gun, and Ammo, and other equipment....

And on a SPOOL???

Would it be tied off First, or After???

Do You tie it off, or trust a Friend to do that???

If it's tied to the Railing, you chance breaking the railing, and that's a Life Ending Chance.....

The further we go into this, the more questions there are....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope not, I was only trying to point out one thing....

I id it First, and then say nya nya nya nya nya, sticking out tongue and all sorts of childish things....

HOSEQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Entire DemonRat Party needs to be more than just dismantled, there is a very large, very powerful, Mountain of Evidence and they're ALL directly tied to many Crimes....

We need to Rebrand the Republican Party with/as MAGA, and force them to finally Allow the Constitution Party to Rise as it once before tried....

And we MUST make all forms of Collectivism UnLawful, in order to keep these last 16 years from repeating....

HOSEQ 8 points ago +11 / -3

Does he think We're Stupid???

Zip Line???


It takes at least TWO PEOPLE to set up a Zip Line, and hundreds of feet of Rope so it's tied down in a Safe place....

Nobody wants to come down a Zip Line at like 75 MPH and just Crash and Burn, but that's what happens if the Angle is too sharp, and I doubt there's an open spot far enough to tie to that is outside the purview of other people.....

So, I just cannot believe this to be anywhere near Truth, and in fact, an absolute LIE....

Especially without a picture of a Zip Line from the Water Tower....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the only Logical sequence that shows what happened, I was watching, and at this point, I have it memorized, he Ducked after the First shot, and it makes a very distinct sound when being shot, as an INFANTRYMAN, I have put thousands of rounds down range with an M-16, it's part of my memory almost like breathing, so yeah, I don't simply think it's that specific platform, I know it....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

And now we have some, like 9 billion Keyboard ""Snipers"", coming out of the Woodwork, and just posting the silliest opinions....

1st shot got Trumps ear, then the rest went into the crowd, dude Murdered one Man, and injured 2 others, then he was killed....

The First Three shots came from the Same Gun, that's an easy tell, after that, the Reports from other Guns can be heard....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

He makes a ton of very good points, and also points out the real Criminals in all of this....

I wouldn't mind Voting for him to be a Governor or Congressman, but then also for President at some future point....

And That is another reason why they hate him, he is in fact, an existential Threat to their Criminal Lives....

HOSEQ -1 points ago +1 / -2

You really believe that someone could get a clear shot, Through those Bleachers filled with People???

Oh, and then there's the Fencing, it literally cannot be seen through, so they would have needed Thermal Scopes, nah....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

That one picture captured the Path of the Bullet, shows a much flatter angle that would have been F there was a second shooter on the Water Tower....

Just sitting here pointing out the more Obvious things....

HOSEQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

The questions that should be asked in order to figure out the Bullets Trajectory::

How tall was the stage???

How Tall is Trump???

Added together, should tell whether the Shot was Flat or at a slight angel or sharper....

IF someone was shooting from the Water tower, the ANGLE of the bullet would be Sharper than from the roof....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes I do, because of the Angle, IF it had come from he water tower, trumps head would have been opened like a coconut....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, there's a video, I'm not sure if it's here, or on X, that clearly shows one Man gets hit with a bullet, and that same bullet hits the corner post of the bleachers....

I think the shooter started just randomly shooting in different directions, mainly for Maximum damage....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sometimes, people can see what's coming, but telling others, is difficult, they tend to reject the info, and believe you're actually insane, but, not telling people, really isn't an option, or is it???

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

And still, they put TWO Counter Snipers in one spot, both on sloped roofs, when one of them could have been on that roof instead....

HOSEQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

IMO, once healed, IF I were him, I'd put a huge Diamond Earring right there for the Whole World to see, and to remind our Enemies, when you go after the Top Man, the Fighter, you better not miss....

I pray he shreds, in his next term....

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