Mhmmm I see what you're saying, I too would be hitting the Super secret Meetings of the Poor, IF I were an Illegal....
But wouldn't it be better to find the conclaves of like Rich People???
Their Super Secret Meetings actually cause problems....
There are Levels of Responsibility to the Oil Fields....
Drillers only Drill, that's what their Company is Contracted to do....
Well Maintenance, same....
Transport Company, Same....
Refinery receives Crude and refines it FOR ___________ Oil Sales Company, i.e. Texaco, Standard, BP, Exxon, etc....
Well who's left???
Land Owner, and any Crew he may have taking care of his Wells and Collectors....
And that's the guy that is also responsible for the Security of his Property....
Oh, so you want me to read through all those books and Compile the specifics....
I'll jump right on that as soon as I'm done designing a Bio-Plasma Based Rocket Brain and the Neuro-Interface for Elons next Level Space Transports, not Rockets as they Launch like Airplanes....
Nope, you go read all that shit, I don't have time to waste on any of that crap, Blavatsky, Bailey, Marx, and all the other Writers for the NWO....
If you've read ONE, you've read them all, mainly because they ALL Consume and then regurgitate the same Garbage, maybe they say it a LITTLE bit differently from one to the next, but it all amounts to the same results and conclusions....
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "foot."
(n.1) "upper part of a shoe or boot;"
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit pad-, accusative padam "foot;" Avestan pad-; Greek pos, Attic pous, genitive podos; Latin pes, genitive pedis "foot;" Lithuanian padas "sole," pėda "footstep;" Old English fot, German Fuß, Gothic fotus "foot."
""Not a communist"", but wrote stupid and silly shit that goes directly against the grain of the NATURAL ORDER....
Wanted Free shit, when Free Shit was not the norm....
what other groups are constantly crying out for Free shit???
Could it be the Socialists and Communists???
Well, since there are No Dates attached, right???
None of these things have any Date directly attached to them, so knowing WHEN they were created is like, Impossible to know, Right???
How, oh How, will we ever find out what we should already know???
Bailey was a Disciple of Blavatsky from what I have read of either one....
Which makes me wonder where the separation is, and I wonder if it's due to one leaning more toward World Govt as a Power above Religion, whereas the other might lean toward a more Theological World Government, or simply a New World Religion solidly based upon what we now call Socialist Dogma....
I honestly don't see much of a Difference between those two and the WEF + Satanic & Luciferian Churches....
It is BASED upon her Writings, not that she actually wrote this shit, which she id, but not like this layout....
She laid it all out in like 24 books, mostly on Imagined Help from a ""Spiritual Entity"" and a Tibetan Monk....
I see it as being an Extended Age, and not literally a 24 hour Period....
IF the Bible is Correct, then a Day to God is like a Thousand years to us....
But then, I guess we should apply OUR Standards and beliefs to God, in order to make God more Human like, and to make ourselves more like God....
Oh I just LOVE the Irony and Blasphemy in that way of thinking, it should be seen as Disgusting, but Humonkeys must Humonkey....
One Frame of the Zepruder Film is NOT ""Never before seen"" anything....
And the whole ""Moments After"" part is just not important as the MOMENT OF....
Soo much DECEPTION, just for the Clicks....
DOWN VOTE asap....
The Asshoes at MSM and Faggt Chuckers keep reporting this picture as being FALSE....
They say that because it is NOT the Entire Walz Family, like Cousins and others who are also related, and Friends, Acquaintances, people they have met, people who they have seen, bumped into, share a restaurant with, have been in the same vicinity of, have lived in the same State with, etc., who are NOT in the picture, proves that the Whole Family is not in fact supporting Trump....
So the Spin goes on....
Once we get Power back, we MUST hit ALL the Fact checkers with Treason, Lying, Propaganda an Corruption of Blood, they are EVIL People, and absolutely disgusting Individuals on a Mental Level....
Just DL it in PDF, here's a really good site to get it....
An DO the print outs, that way you keep at least a Soft Copy of it....
Yup, I guess I spoke a little too soon....
I Re-posted something about a Car that uses Liquid Hydrogen as Fuel, and the car is obviously an AI created Image, and it claims to be able to be refueled in like 5 Seconds, and has a 1500 Mile Per Tank capacity, which all together doesn't make sense to anyone....
The part that does Make Sense, is the Fuel, burns Hydrogen and expels water....
I am now blocked from accessing FB, and accused of Phishing, along with trying to trick people out of their Passwords and other Personal Info....
This shit with FB is getting stranger by the day....
I'm guessing they don't know, and some good folks also don't know, just how much FUN and how fast the Counter-Suits are, nor do they know that one goo Counter-Suit can effectively Bankrupt, not just a Company, but it's owners and financial Supporters too....
If there's no record of them being here, there cannot be an investigation....
It's just some Random Body with holes in it, don't know how it got here....