At a time when I should be overjoyed with the happenings as the precipice that we have for so long yearned for appears to be quickly looming, and evidence abounds that the military is ramping up operations to restore our republic, I am in a state of depression. Why? Because although I have for several years been trying, I have failed to redpill my two children concerning the vax.
Dad is just a crazy conspiracy theorist - it’s much easier to believe official health organizations, than to believe they would knowingly push something harmful to the people.
I spoke to my son the other day, and he said he was sick (was coughing) apparently testing positive for COVID (we all know the tests are BS), and said he guessed he needed to get another vax (which would be his fourth Moderna). (I am not sure what my daughter’s booster status is, but I am certain she suffered cardiac damage following initial shot a year or more ago, based on chest pain and tachycardia symptoms for several days beginning a 2-3 days after the shot).
After my son said he guessed it was time for a booster, I told him that the vaccines were destroying his immune system, and there has been ample evidence from doctors and scientists all over the world to support this fact. I also indicated that some 70 countries have banned the vaccine. I told him I would pull some things together for him to read and he could judge for himself. I was shocked that he agreed.
I think this is also an opportunity to get my daughter to critically examine the facts. I should be overjoyed he (and likely my daughter in tandem) are ready to view the facts surrounding the vax dangers, and what they actually do. Why depressed? This is my ONE chance to educate them. If I fuck it up, I will not be able to live with myself.
I have VOLUMES of information I can summarize and provide, but if I inundate them with info, I will lose them. I think I need to be very careful not to overwhelm them with information at this point.
So while I have been part of this community since late 2017, I have never asked for anything before, but I ask now.
I know many of you have been faced with the dilemma of convincing a friend, family member, etc., and have succeeded in opening their eyes. Perhaps there were one or two things that opened their eyes to the truth, or perhaps were eye openers for yourself.
I’m not asking you to do this job for me, but I would be forever grateful to anyone who can help by providing links to those one or two things you/others regarded as powerful evidence to the truth.
My son is 35 and been liberalized living in the Pacific Northwest; daughter has fared better, left-leaning at 26; both college indoctrinated; both highly intelligent; both prisoners of the propaganda machine.
I know that God has this no matter what, but I also must do my part.
Thank you frens.
New England journal of medicine wrote a good artical saying the vax did nothing against new variants and caused massive inflammation.
I would start with that,a very prestigious medical journal,and it says it's no good.