Difficult case.But like a good detective like Falk do not make up your opinions to early: The date of the assasination is white hat, meaning good news: 8.7.2022=21 = 7+7+7.
The work abe has done was in favor of the central banks: Abeonomics.
The delta of 169 years tells otherwise:
On July 8, 1853, the American Perry approached the Bay of Edo, the seat of the Shôgun, with a fleet of black ships. Threatening with huge guns and rifles, Perry demanded the opening of Japanese ports to American merchant ships. But the Japanese did not give in immediately. Perry turned his back on the island kingdom - but not forever. The following year he came back. With more ships, more cannons - and now the warriors of Nippon buckled. Little by little they opened up their country to western traders and diplomats. The islanders felt overwhelmed by the foreigners. The world had discovered Japan.
Difficult case.But like a good detective like Falk do not make up your opinions to early: The date of the assasination is white hat, meaning good news: 8.7.2022=21 = 7+7+7. The work abe has done was in favor of the central banks: Abeonomics.
The delta of 169 years tells otherwise:
On July 8, 1853, the American Perry approached the Bay of Edo, the seat of the Shôgun, with a fleet of black ships. Threatening with huge guns and rifles, Perry demanded the opening of Japanese ports to American merchant ships. But the Japanese did not give in immediately. Perry turned his back on the island kingdom - but not forever. The following year he came back. With more ships, more cannons - and now the warriors of Nippon buckled. Little by little they opened up their country to western traders and diplomats. The islanders felt overwhelmed by the foreigners. The world had discovered Japan.