I have prayed to the Lord for the patience to deal with people like you so please forgive me if I attack you. I don't mean to demean or insult.
I have noticed and appreciated that, truly. The problem is definitely that you and I both have the stamina to argue for weeks without sleep, and you perhaps just have a little more than I do. I do always read and absorb the things you write, even if I don't agree or have the time or energy to follow you down that particular rabbit hole.
Your problem is you have repeatedly obsessed over Q instead of the subject material and as a result it positions you in sort of this alien place that no anon is willing to go.
I get that you don't see Q as an important part, and rather look at Q's words.
But I demonstrated last time why that can't be good enough for me. Because Q's personal credibility DOES MATTER to you.
Because when Q tells you to look at something, you look until you find the evidence that you believe he wanted you to find.
And if Q's identity actually doesn't matter, then you would be suggesting that if I proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Q was Ron Watkins, that wouldn't shake your belief in the Plan whatsoever. Because Ron Watkin's words would still be as credible as any military operative. Only the words matter, after all.
Is that something you're willing to stand behind?
If Q's identity or credibility didn't matter, then you would have no reason to, say, "look at the therapists." I asked you last time, when Q told you guys to research that, the end result was that you, Zeitreise, believe that many, if not most mass shootings are the result of objectively Satanic or Communist therapists purposefully manipulating their patients via MKUltra brainwashing techniques on behalf of the Cabal.
When I asked for even one story of a Satanist therapist provably turning their patient into a mass murderer, any primary source document for this, I didn't get one. I got stories in which you wanted me to assume the therapists were Satanist, and assume the therapists betrayed their client, and assumed that (relatively common) mistakes were done on purpose, with purpose.
Where is the template of the Satanic therapist that is creating mass murderers? Who, by name, has done this, and proven that this concept has ever occurred?
As I've said, I am always impressed by you and Q World's ability to identify potential vulnerabilities in any system. If there is a place where a Satanist could potentially cause a mass shooting event, I can rely on you to find it.
But can I rely on you to follow up from Q's prediction, and produce the actual hard evidence I would need to prove that a therapist was Satanist? To prove that a Satanist therapist deliberately set a mass shooter on the world? To prove that even a single therapist was answering to a Cabal?
Can I rely on you as an objective prosecutor, or only as a defense attorney?
i didn't disagree with anything you said here, anon.
I have noticed and appreciated that, truly. The problem is definitely that you and I both have the stamina to argue for weeks without sleep, and you perhaps just have a little more than I do. I do always read and absorb the things you write, even if I don't agree or have the time or energy to follow you down that particular rabbit hole.
I get that you don't see Q as an important part, and rather look at Q's words.
But I demonstrated last time why that can't be good enough for me. Because Q's personal credibility DOES MATTER to you.
Because when Q tells you to look at something, you look until you find the evidence that you believe he wanted you to find.
And if Q's identity actually doesn't matter, then you would be suggesting that if I proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Q was Ron Watkins, that wouldn't shake your belief in the Plan whatsoever. Because Ron Watkin's words would still be as credible as any military operative. Only the words matter, after all.
Is that something you're willing to stand behind?
If Q's identity or credibility didn't matter, then you would have no reason to, say, "look at the therapists." I asked you last time, when Q told you guys to research that, the end result was that you, Zeitreise, believe that many, if not most mass shootings are the result of objectively Satanic or Communist therapists purposefully manipulating their patients via MKUltra brainwashing techniques on behalf of the Cabal.
When I asked for even one story of a Satanist therapist provably turning their patient into a mass murderer, any primary source document for this, I didn't get one. I got stories in which you wanted me to assume the therapists were Satanist, and assume the therapists betrayed their client, and assumed that (relatively common) mistakes were done on purpose, with purpose.
Where is the template of the Satanic therapist that is creating mass murderers? Who, by name, has done this, and proven that this concept has ever occurred?
As I've said, I am always impressed by you and Q World's ability to identify potential vulnerabilities in any system. If there is a place where a Satanist could potentially cause a mass shooting event, I can rely on you to find it.
But can I rely on you to follow up from Q's prediction, and produce the actual hard evidence I would need to prove that a therapist was Satanist? To prove that a Satanist therapist deliberately set a mass shooter on the world? To prove that even a single therapist was answering to a Cabal?
Can I rely on you as an objective prosecutor, or only as a defense attorney?