- The behavior is depressing and I choose to ignore it for my own mental health
- Their smile is missing and they are unintelligible
- They obviously still listen to fake news, so we live in different realities
- They are indulging in unsafe practices and usually believe the opposite
- Some of them are virtue signaling narcissists.
This may be by design, but I also remember the rule “wear a mask if you’re unvaccinated”, and recognize these may be pure bloods. What is your current reaction to masked people?
Not one unvaccinated person wears a mask I can guarantee you that!
Unless it is forced by their employer and even then I can usually tell as the ones that hate the masks. They don’t wear them properly not covering the nose.
I was at a new job and first 1.5 years they required the mask and I rarely wore mine unless I was outside my cube. They said the only time you can take your mask off is when you are in a room by yourself with the door closed. I never got in trouble.