So here's a thought: What if the mass injections of the shots mark a fork in the road of human existence? What if all the vaxx'ed and their children (if they are able to have any) are now marked for one fork in the road, and all the unvaxx'ed are embarking on the other road? Are we seeing a point in time when the human race divides into to separate subspecies? What will ultimately become of the vaxx'ers? ... say 100 or 200 years from now? Morlocks? Eloi? Something unrecognizable? Maybe just a slave race that has been deprived of any spiritual element?
I’ve been a “classical anti-vaxxer” since the 90s. But I’m sure a lot more people are opening their eyes to traditional vaccination dangers now. The science/politics for those “good” vaccines is just as crooked as this one if you dive into it.
AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE. Babies are born with a perfectly capable immune system - do not need any help. AND how could you possibly trust ANYTHING they say at this point? The healthcare system doesn't make any money if we're well and healthy.
The last vax I had was when I was about 13; that was 58 years ago. All that I've learned since regarding those poison concoctions have not changed my mind. I have not trusted the medical cartel for many years and the last couple of years showed me that my conclusions about them were spot on. In the early '70s during my childbearing years, using any drug, including aspirin and the like were verboten. Contrast that to the norm now....eugenics, pure and simple. It would seem that we've reached some kind of apex in our awareness, education and common sense. for so many to have been SO petrified of a "virus" says a lot about the condition of humanity.
So here's a thought: What if the mass injections of the shots mark a fork in the road of human existence? What if all the vaxx'ed and their children (if they are able to have any) are now marked for one fork in the road, and all the unvaxx'ed are embarking on the other road? Are we seeing a point in time when the human race divides into to separate subspecies? What will ultimately become of the vaxx'ers? ... say 100 or 200 years from now? Morlocks? Eloi? Something unrecognizable? Maybe just a slave race that has been deprived of any spiritual element?
I told my college age boys they need to date only unvaxxed women.
Hey what’s everyone’s thoughts now on traditional vaccines if they had a fresh babe on the way? Ya’ll generally avoiding it’all???
I’ve been a “classical anti-vaxxer” since the 90s. But I’m sure a lot more people are opening their eyes to traditional vaccination dangers now. The science/politics for those “good” vaccines is just as crooked as this one if you dive into it.
Avoid any pharma if you can. I would absolutely not vaccinate a precious baby. They do cause autism.
AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE. Babies are born with a perfectly capable immune system - do not need any help. AND how could you possibly trust ANYTHING they say at this point? The healthcare system doesn't make any money if we're well and healthy.
The last vax I had was when I was about 13; that was 58 years ago. All that I've learned since regarding those poison concoctions have not changed my mind. I have not trusted the medical cartel for many years and the last couple of years showed me that my conclusions about them were spot on. In the early '70s during my childbearing years, using any drug, including aspirin and the like were verboten. Contrast that to the norm now....eugenics, pure and simple. It would seem that we've reached some kind of apex in our awareness, education and common sense. for so many to have been SO petrified of a "virus" says a lot about the condition of humanity.