Let's not call it "overturning an election," because even if this is true, and Biden is removed from office, the election would NOT be "overturned." Rather, Biden would be disqualified due to election fraud, and removed from office, and the legal result of the election would show that DJT is the lawful president.
Why? Because you can bet your bottom dollar that the left will be crying about "overturned elections by the supreme court," to try to shape a narrative that delegitimizes the ruling, and paints an illusion that the election has been "stolen" from them. But, the reality is that Biden would simply be disqualified due to his parties criminal election rigging.
So its only a twitter account but been a reasonable one so far @DJTTracker is reporting that Scotus have over turned the 2020 election results. Someone on the thread said they can do this if there is foreign Interference in the election.
I don't know if this is true but i fucking hope so.
I’ve been hearing this from way too many sources for it not to have at least a grain of truth. No way everyone is making it up coincidentally at the same time.
I dont see them overturning an election--is that their job? Also doesnt make sense when cases they chose to hear and rulings havent been favorable to that, right? Theres nothing to overturn--there are CRIMINALS, however who've committed treasonous high crimes that need to be in gitmo.
Also the terrible fraud and theft American citizens' votes to put an enemy traitor in WH, against the TRUE actual will of the ppl. Who has now radically screwed up our country, our lives, continually as the damage level of their crimes just keeps on coming. And the propaganda narrative maker and sustainer who makes it all possible, the soulless media--they are due in gitmo too.
We are way past overturning an election, imo. If this will be straightened out I dont see how it could be by a simple SCOTUS decision. I think this person is doing what countless others are, making stuff up knowing the devastation and deprivation of justice to Americans, asof now at least. Those losers who make up false stuff, they prey on our pain. They are parasites and suck.
ETA: TLDR its a bit more complex than that. We are past 'overturning' an election. Those who say this prey on the many Americans who wait and hope for justice for high crimes of treason and everything else, so they can get followers.
Let's not call it "overturning an election," because even if this is true, and Biden is removed from office, the election would NOT be "overturned." Rather, Biden would be disqualified due to election fraud, and removed from office, and the legal result of the election would show that DJT is the lawful president.
Why? Because you can bet your bottom dollar that the left will be crying about "overturned elections by the supreme court," to try to shape a narrative that delegitimizes the ruling, and paints an illusion that the election has been "stolen" from them. But, the reality is that Biden would simply be disqualified due to his parties criminal election rigging.
So its only a twitter account but been a reasonable one so far @DJTTracker is reporting that Scotus have over turned the 2020 election results. Someone on the thread said they can do this if there is foreign Interference in the election. I don't know if this is true but i fucking hope so.
I’ve been hearing this from way too many sources for it not to have at least a grain of truth. No way everyone is making it up coincidentally at the same time.
No, but one liar putting it out can result in the hopium addicts grabbing onto it and spreading it around.
Don’t let your own confirmation bias prevent you from thinking critically.
fake. and gay.
Are you? whatever floats your boat.
I dont see them overturning an election--is that their job? Also doesnt make sense when cases they chose to hear and rulings havent been favorable to that, right? Theres nothing to overturn--there are CRIMINALS, however who've committed treasonous high crimes that need to be in gitmo.
Also the terrible fraud and theft American citizens' votes to put an enemy traitor in WH, against the TRUE actual will of the ppl. Who has now radically screwed up our country, our lives, continually as the damage level of their crimes just keeps on coming. And the propaganda narrative maker and sustainer who makes it all possible, the soulless media--they are due in gitmo too.
We are way past overturning an election, imo. If this will be straightened out I dont see how it could be by a simple SCOTUS decision. I think this person is doing what countless others are, making stuff up knowing the devastation and deprivation of justice to Americans, asof now at least. Those losers who make up false stuff, they prey on our pain. They are parasites and suck.
ETA: TLDR its a bit more complex than that. We are past 'overturning' an election. Those who say this prey on the many Americans who wait and hope for justice for high crimes of treason and everything else, so they can get followers.
This relates to this post.
Didn’t they just say kavenaugh was harassed while out for dinner?? That puts a pretty big hole in this !!!
This Q post sounds like a SCOTUS overturning.