So, I was typing up and formatting notes for a bit of something I have. It is regarding politics. A section that I have written down reads:
"Right now, the Democrats are being crippled, with regards to election chances, with their constant crises, embarrassments, and ineffectiveness."
I was tempted to include malice or malevolence in that list within the section, even though I distantly remember malice nor malevolence being part of the list. I also remember the notion of Hanlon's razor, which states: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
This brings me to the point and question I wish to impost onto GW: Lately, both on here and on PDW, there has been a large uptick of posts that call the constant crises that we are suffering through right now is a result of evil. The question are as follows:
Is there a hazard associated with labeling an outcome or event a result of evil or malice? Hanlon's Razor came into fruition for a reason and I wonder if we are driving to a potential danger from ignoring Hanlon's Razor and labeling the enemy's actions as evil rather than incompetence?
I would say most evil thorough history is done by incompetence. Not all, but most. Sometimes you would see a puppet-master above these incompetent people, using their delusions of grandeur to their own ends.
The latter is what we are seeing in our current historic times. We have a bunch of people desperate for power, being controlled by people behind the curtain to further an agenda of a BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy, for those who don't speak in TTRPG terms). They will say whatever is written in front of them, and follow what they are told to do. If the plan goes off the rails, go into hiding until new marching orders are given, and follow those. Some will try to usurp power, but will be quickly cut down and brought back in line...or worse.