The_Knight_of_sunset 9 points ago +9 / -0

While this is likely a symbolic gesture, I welcome this move since it nukes all of the history revisions and sanitation that the MSM is trying to do right now by claiming Kamala was not the Border Czar. Therefore, shutting down one area of gaslighting the Demonic Rats are trying to do.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

And now that they failed, let's boost the stock so much, it'll make GameStop's short squeeze look mild in comparison.

We gonna make them lose their shirts and everything else.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Off-topic, but does anyone have the .gif or .MP4 file of that 'American flag shaped like an angel" clip?

Want it to use for some video projects.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0


maybe it is not cabal sabotage and Chinese engineering and maintenance programs really does suck, even on critical systems.

There are plenty of videos about shoddy Chinese quality on many Chinese items, from clothes to housing to electric cars to military equipment. What makes you think that China will not skimp on quality for its major infrastructure projects like dams?

I'll say this as an engineer: if every year we are biting our fingers off in fear that a (what's supposed to be a robustly-designed) dam would collapse just because there is too much water, and whole villages and towns were getting wiped out to probably prevent a collapse, it is a sign of very poor engineering and everyone on that project should be locked away for incompetence.

Cabal sabotage or not, we shall not tolerate the wicked habits of the "allies" of the white hats, else how are we better than the cabal we fight?

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess I, technically?

I was more of a Gamergate member back then and most of Trump's enemies are also Gamergate's enemies, so I guess I voted for Trump to avoid voting for Gamergate's enemies, even though I am not completely sold on Trump.

I fully leapt aboard the Trump Train after Trump delivers good results after good result, and that was nine months after he was elected. I am a man who judges people by their deeds rather than by their words. And the rest is history.

So yes, people can change. And 7 years is a long time to change.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

This site may have been happy but how many others would you lose.


For what is a research-and-knowledge board, GAW is very poor in political strategy and thinking about the big picture, especially when our emotions and ego runs high.

Per rule #5 of GAW: Peace is the prize. It means our goal should be towards freeing everyone from the clutches of the Satanic Cabal, not selfishly getting emotionally high off our theories getting validated.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

Catturd NEEDS to post this on Truth Social. Maybe it will get some sense into the conversation over there.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

I call them fairweather patriots.

I know that it is not fair weather here, but the point stands.

The_Knight_of_sunset 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why the boo? Can you explain what the hell he done to deserve the cold reception?

The_Knight_of_sunset 12 points ago +13 / -1

Seemed that Truth Social is calling Vance a RINO and wanted someone else. Honestly, I haven't looked into him enough to make a comment at this point, so I want to throw the question out to you all and see.

The_Knight_of_sunset 11 points ago +11 / -0

We will not forget the evil that infests the hearts of the people opposing Trump.

Anyone who is still on the fence even now, the time to chose a side is NOW.

The_Knight_of_sunset 9 points ago +9 / -0

Second thing I want to ask:

Lately, there is a ton of trolls trying to tie Trump with Epstein, with what I assume to be doctored images of testimony documents and hastags along the lines of #TrumpPedoFiles.

What the heck is going on? Do we have the counter evidence prepared to combat these latest batch of trolls trying to ruin Trump's good name?

The_Knight_of_sunset 14 points ago +14 / -0

So, I guess I want to know if I am a complete asshole for responding to this cartoon:


With the following:

I confess that, while I disapprove of the massive war spending, I am equally disapproving on spending money on the other four areas when we got nothing good to show for the money we spent on them already.

Education? Got nothing but poor grades, trouble-making activists, and way too many brain-dead leftists to be healthy.

Sciences? We were told to "trust the science" during many controversies like child-sex-changes and climate change. The modern scientific community are nothing but priests in white jackets.

Healthcare? Two words: Clot Shot.

The arts? Getting overrun with woke leftists and bullies who produce nothing worthwhile. We won't be seeing another Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, nor Bach in this environment, even with millions in public funding.

A better course of action is to reduce government spending over-all, reduce taxes, and allow the private citizen fund education, sciences, healthcare, and the arts at their discretion.

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't want to rain on your parade, but I can't find Ms. Harris's tweet.

Which is a shame, because I want to see the comments dunking on her ass!

by TaQo
The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you got the wrong article? This one's from May 24th.

The_Knight_of_sunset 2 points ago +2 / -0

The four no voting GOP:

Dan Crenshaw (AKA Mr. Eyepatched RINO) Texas (TX) – 2nd

Kay Granger (Quitting into a retirement home this year) Texas (TX) – 12th

Jake LaTurner (Mr. Quitter) Kansas (KS) – 2nd

Thomas Massie (are we really SURE he's truly MAGA?!) Kentucky (KY) – 4th

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

The four GOP not voting are:

Dan Crenshaw (AKA Mr. Eyepatched RINO) Texas (TX) – 2nd

Kay Granger (Quitting into a retirement home this year) Texas (TX) – 12th

Jake LaTurner (Mr. Quitter) Kansas (KS) – 2nd

Thomas Massie (are we really SURE he's truly MAGA?!) Kentucky (KY) – 4th

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dems who voted with Republicans:

Maine Rep. Jared Golden

North Carolina Rep. Don Davis

Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar

Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez

Washington Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez

The_Knight_of_sunset -3 points ago +2 / -5

Nice quote, but I saw that quote repeated far too many times here, like a broken record trying to farm meaningless karma and likes.

Do you have anything far more enlightening you would like to share that would be productive to this conversation, or are you just farming karma?

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

This should be further up top.

People here think the elections are stolen because of electronic vote tallying, or people fucking up the vote counting.

In reality, the votes are counted properly, so there is no blame there. The elections system within France is, however, the most headache-inducing thing I have witnessed in a long time, and is the tool which the Globalists use to control the elections.

Maybe if people start to use their heads instead of mindlessly spouting off the same-old quotes from Stalin (probably for karma-farming), maybe we can gain actual knowledge of how to fix things.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

And how long is the convention?

Better not be more than ten days. The earliest sentencing date was July 25th.

The_Knight_of_sunset 19 points ago +19 / -0

This is big for another reason:

The original sentencing date was four days before the RNC convention. There was a worry that the RINOS would use the sentencing as an excuse to knock Trump out and get someone else in. Hence, there was a movement to push up the RNC convention date.

Now with this delay, the sentencing must be after the RNC convention, so the RINOs have no feasible way to get someone else on the ballot.

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