This is the result of LBJ and his "Great Society" policies. The racist Democrat party knew exactly what they were doing when they created WELFARE and stated that the only way to be eligible for WELFARE is if there was no male above 21 living in the household. Now, 90% of all births in the black community are out-of-wedlock births. The children grow up with no discipline or father figure. The behavior of these children reminds me of "Lord of the Flies".
This is the result of LBJ and his "Great Society" policies. The racist Democrat party knew exactly what they were doing when they created WELFARE and stated that the only way to be eligible for WELFARE is if there was no male above 21 living in the household. Now, 90% of all births in the black community are out-of-wedlock births. The children grow up with no discipline or father figure. The behavior of these children reminds me of "Lord of the Flies".