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Yeah... I made some efforts to start thinking without my inner monologue, and now I'm seeing trippy stuff when I close my eyes. It did that anyways, but now it's constant objects materializing and morphing.
It reminded me of this video I saw a month back:
I'm not sure if I'm getting visions, this is some sort of meditation, shamanistic vision-scrying, dream projection, or something else, but it's making it pretty hard to concentrate like "normal."
I know WHAT I'm seeing, but it's all just random stuff morphing into shape.
Are there any mediums or psychics that can give me some idea of if I'm crazy or figured out how to do the thing. How do I turn it off?
I've been doing some research into Project LookingGlass, as well. I think I understand how it works, it's freakin' nutzo bonkers, but my brain don't work gud right now so that post explaining why Twitter (and all Social Media) are literal weapons of mass destruction is gonna have to stay in the oven a bit longer, ya dig?
Oh, and my Narcolepsy dreams (which already are as real as watching a movie) now include the ability to touch and feel things in the dream. Mostly, it's usually me feeling gravel/porous stone. Soft or smooth stuff doesn't have a sensation yet.
Can anyone smell/taste in their dreams? I feel like I'm breaking into that next.
Is this normal? or am I just ignorant to what others have always been able to do?
Are you able to lucid dream? Not sure what your routine is but I’d be interested to see what you experience if you change your nightly routine to something…different, including diet.
For example, if you’re a night owl try cutting out food, non-essential medication, and news after 7. Watch cartoons or read some sort of fantasy cartoonish story before bed. Most nights I have to put my brain into overdrive in order to sleep, i.e. learn something new or read something that challenges my world view. My thought is your narcolepsy and chemical consumption is causing your mind to reconcile your daily news intake. My hope is you’re receiving supernatural messages. Just curious which one it is
Yes, and I always have the ability to fly, but when I do everyone in my dreams cannot ever recognize that I'm flying, stop talking, and effectively loose all agency. It's like they all turn into drones waiting for me to get back on script.
I woke up about 5 times this morning. The dreams were so real I could feel the snow in a field, carpet on the ground, and even the wind.
I've been fasting lately. Some days pass with only a bowl of home-made cabbage soup.