"We are inclined to lightly pass over many profound statements of truth in the word of God. In glorious rapture John beheld the awe-inspiring scene of the sea of glass mingled with fire, and that illustrious company of “them that come off victorious,” or literally in the Greek text, “those conquering away from” the beast...."
Much more in the text:
"This matter of disciplining one’s thoughts, desires, emotions, habits; of training one’s spirit and soul and body to function on the level of the mind, nature, wisdom, and power of Christ is of the greatest importance and spells the difference between success and failure in the kingdom of God."
“Strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the power which His supreme might imparts. Put on the complete armor of God, so as to be able to stand firm against all the stratagems of the devil. For ours is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood, but with despotisms, the empires, the forces that control and govern this dark world — the spiritual hosts of evil arrayed against us in this heavenly warfare. Wherefore put on the complete armor of God, so that you may be able to stand your ground in the evil day, and having fought to the end, TO REMAIN VICTORS ON THE FIELD” (Eph. 6:10-14, Weymouth).
I like it.
"An experienced trainer or tutor was required for the competitor to become knowledgeable of every need and detail. The scriptures reveal that our trainer and tutor is Christ Jesus our Lord, who is the Firstborn among many brethren, the Captain of our salvation, the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, and the Head of the body of sons. In His own experience and victory He BECAME all of that — and as we concentrate on the hope set before us, looking to that which is beyond the veil, and looking unto Jesus — Christ arises within us in our own experience and leads us to victory! With a trainer and tutor like this, how can we fail? Let us therefore give the more earnest heed, for the words that He speaks to us He speaks within — in the crucible of experience — and the words that He speaks unto us, they are spirit, and they are life!"
"George Warnock wrote in one of his books: “We are told that ‘the earnest expectation of the creature (creation) waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.’ Paul tells us that the creation was ‘made subject to vanity’…not of its own will. But when man who was put in charge of planet earth, lost his fear of God — God subjected the rest of creation to vanity. Yet He did so in hope! For He purposed that this defiled creation would arise in new splendor, and into ‘the glorious liberty of the children of God’ (Rom. 8:19-21). Creation does not know why it is groaning, or if there is any hope. But God knows why, and He tells us why: it is because they have hope of deliverance in the unveiling of the sons of God…which is nothing less than the Son of God Himself being revealed and shining forth in His many brethren. And it is for this unveiling that creation is groaning and travailing. For these sons will radiate the glory of THE SON, not their own glory. Their glory must come to ashes, that the Son alone might be glorified in them."
"Long ago, back in seventeenth century England, an anointed preacher of London, John Everard, spoke the following words of truth and wisdom: “Beloved! I tell you, if you but take this key, to unlock this book (Revelation), the precious treasure chest of God, you will find precious jewels come tumbling down to your hand. Every man, before he becomes a spiritual man, was a carnal man, a natural man. And this natural man possessed his house, and he is the strong man of whom our Lord spoke in Matthew 12:29. And whenever I speak of the strong man, or the old man, or sin, or the devil, or satan, or lucifer, or antichrist, etc., I mean and intend one and the same thing, and so does the scripture (as I conceive) and I would have you well to consider this thing; for they are those enemies the scripture most minds us of, and gives us warning to be aware of, and watch against, they be our bosom enemies, that betray us. As for outward enemies, we meddle not with them, for these are our grand and mortal enemies. But the scripture has given these enemies, or rather this enemy of ours, several names, that thereby we may come to know him, or by some of them at least; that we may see in ourselves the several effects of all those names, although all is but one and the same thing, even the body and person of Antichrist. So long as this strong man, or this antichrist, or this wild beast keeps the house, that is so long as our own wisdom, gifts, strength, abilities of nature, reason, understanding, will, affections — so long as these keep the house, Jesus Christ is crucified. But when the strong man is bound, and cast out, then is there the revelation of the true Master of the house, the revelation of the spirit of the living Christ”
wow! Thank you for sharing the Spirit!
"If you can see it, my beloved, this victory away from the beast is that work which the apostle sets forth in Galatians 6:14, wherein he says, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” There are vast multitudes of believers in the church systems today who may have grasped the concept of the death of Christ for them, and go about glibly declaring that Jesus died for them, and yet they do not even faintly perceive the fact that this also means that THE WORLD IS CRUCIFIED UNTO THEM. When the Bible speaks of the world in the New Testament, it is not referring to planet earth nor to the created universe, not to the seas and clouds and mountains and flowers, but almost always to the world system — the corrupt world order with all its evil devices, with all its vain and false and selfish and corrupt desires, with all its flesh-oriented goals and purposes, its self-centeredness and egotism. The “world” in scripture is this whole carnal system of man’s invention that passes from father to child down through the centuries. It finds expression through government, politics, religion, education, economics, military, culture, tradition, and institutions by the thousands. The result of man’s departure from the life and leadership of the Spirit has been the establishment of a whole vast system, which the Holy Spirit testifies is passing away."
You have a beautiful Gift, no doubts from Whom it is given.
The author is Preston Eby, he passed away this year, I've been sharing his work on Revelation, it is decades of his ministry and work.
At the risk of downvotes I offer this. He is not a sound teacher...See Latter Rain.
I even gave you a +1 because it's not about votes. The author knows the Latter Rain movement, he grew up in it, he saw it's good and it's bad, he speaks of much of it in His writings. Following Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God is not about sectarian bias. I've been in many Christian circles throughout my life, Jesus Christ is the teacher, not the doctrines of a particular sect. That is what Preston Eby teaches throughout his writings, the living Lord Jesus Christ working in the individual. I guess most sectarians have a beef with him.
"The book of Revelation is THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Revelation is a book that teaches who and what Jesus Christ is. It reveals Him in all of His glory, unveils Him in all of His fullness. You will find Jesus the Christ in every chapter of the book, for it is the revelation of Himself. When we read the message of the Revelation with a heart that seeks after Christ, we see in every page His face and hear from every line His voice. If we do not see Christ in the pages of the Revelation, then all we see is vanity. By drawing near to this book in the power of the Holy Spirit, we draw near to Christ. How beautiful that is! May the elect of God receive much grace to see more and more of Christ in the pages of this book!"
"Walk in the Spirit of the Lord, and you'll see Jesus, Walk in the Spirit of the Lord, you'll see the King; Walk in the Spirit of the Lord, and you will find Him: He's resurrected in His body, He lives in me!"
"The book of Revelation reveals the centrality of Jesus Christ upon the throne of the universe and upon His throne within our hearts. It gives us centeredness. It gives us something to build our life around. It gives us our proper orbit in the heavens of God's Spirit. In 400 B.C. the philosophers and scientists thought the earth was flat, and the planets were wandering stars. They had no comprehension of any order of the universe. It was in 340 B.C. that Aristotle first introduced the concept that there was order in the universe and that the earth was the center of the universe. He saw the sun and the stars as lights in the canopy of the heavens that moved around the earth. But for 1600 years they struggled to make sense out of the times and seasons with any predictability. Then, about 400 years ago, Copernicus discovered that the sun is the center of our solar system. As this knowledge expanded it gave stability and predictability to all the events on earth that are controlled by the order of the heavens."