"We are inclined to lightly pass over many profound statements of truth in the word of God. In glorious rapture John beheld the awe-inspiring scene of the sea of glass mingled with fire, and that illustrious company of “them that come off victorious,” or literally in the Greek text, “those conquering away from” the beast...."
Much more in the text:
"If you can see it, my beloved, this victory away from the beast is that work which the apostle sets forth in Galatians 6:14, wherein he says, “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” There are vast multitudes of believers in the church systems today who may have grasped the concept of the death of Christ for them, and go about glibly declaring that Jesus died for them, and yet they do not even faintly perceive the fact that this also means that THE WORLD IS CRUCIFIED UNTO THEM. When the Bible speaks of the world in the New Testament, it is not referring to planet earth nor to the created universe, not to the seas and clouds and mountains and flowers, but almost always to the world system — the corrupt world order with all its evil devices, with all its vain and false and selfish and corrupt desires, with all its flesh-oriented goals and purposes, its self-centeredness and egotism. The “world” in scripture is this whole carnal system of man’s invention that passes from father to child down through the centuries. It finds expression through government, politics, religion, education, economics, military, culture, tradition, and institutions by the thousands. The result of man’s departure from the life and leadership of the Spirit has been the establishment of a whole vast system, which the Holy Spirit testifies is passing away."
You have a beautiful Gift, no doubts from Whom it is given.
The author is Preston Eby, he passed away this year, I've been sharing his work on Revelation, it is decades of his ministry and work.
At the risk of downvotes I offer this. He is not a sound teacher...See Latter Rain.
I even gave you a +1 because it's not about votes. The author knows the Latter Rain movement, he grew up in it, he saw it's good and it's bad, he speaks of much of it in His writings. Following Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God is not about sectarian bias. I've been in many Christian circles throughout my life, Jesus Christ is the teacher, not the doctrines of a particular sect. That is what Preston Eby teaches throughout his writings, the living Lord Jesus Christ working in the individual. I guess most sectarians have a beef with him.