I’ve dumped as much as Im willing to walk away from into DRS/Computershare. Im considering it like an Apple investment 30 years ago - for the future and not to be removed under any circumstances. Yes, there will be fuckery and headfakes and fake squeeze where media will all report, “OK it’s over - lol” but Im not going anywhere. I believe this to be a part of the Q plan and how they redistribute the criminal elites wealth back to the people. It’s my hope anyway but Im OK with just Jesus if it all gets taken away too!
Well said. My mother was holding amazon,back in the day at 44 dollers a share,she fell victim to the FUD and sold it before it launched...... She told me that last year and said to Hodl,if I belive in it.
If nothing else all the shorted meme stocks (all with poor fundamentals and declining earnings) are outperforming the bear market blue chips. Why? At worst point t seems this area is a great hedge for inflation and market downturn. All of my retirement vehicles were moved into savings trusts until the true bottom is realized, while all of my independent investments are now in meme stocks - right where the SEC is telling me NOT TO BE.! Why? Cuz fuck them that’s why. The DRSing of meme stocks is obviously hurting them so let’s keep it up.
I think a lot of these blue chips,have a lot of debt,and gme has zero debt,except a small French covid loan,and they have 1.5 billion in the bank. The fundamentals have turned around on the company,they now have a crypto wallet and an NFT marketplace. I would buy and hold it without the massive short squeese.
I’ve dumped as much as Im willing to walk away from into DRS/Computershare. Im considering it like an Apple investment 30 years ago - for the future and not to be removed under any circumstances. Yes, there will be fuckery and headfakes and fake squeeze where media will all report, “OK it’s over - lol” but Im not going anywhere. I believe this to be a part of the Q plan and how they redistribute the criminal elites wealth back to the people. It’s my hope anyway but Im OK with just Jesus if it all gets taken away too!
Well said. My mother was holding amazon,back in the day at 44 dollers a share,she fell victim to the FUD and sold it before it launched...... She told me that last year and said to Hodl,if I belive in it.
I will.
If nothing else all the shorted meme stocks (all with poor fundamentals and declining earnings) are outperforming the bear market blue chips. Why? At worst point t seems this area is a great hedge for inflation and market downturn. All of my retirement vehicles were moved into savings trusts until the true bottom is realized, while all of my independent investments are now in meme stocks - right where the SEC is telling me NOT TO BE.! Why? Cuz fuck them that’s why. The DRSing of meme stocks is obviously hurting them so let’s keep it up.
I think a lot of these blue chips,have a lot of debt,and gme has zero debt,except a small French covid loan,and they have 1.5 billion in the bank. The fundamentals have turned around on the company,they now have a crypto wallet and an NFT marketplace. I would buy and hold it without the massive short squeese.