[Repost] It's time to talk about the newest Q posts, 8kun shut down, and what appears to be attempts to silence Q from communicating with us (see comments)

Here is the other 0 delta post. I dont claim to understand all these posts and how they relate. some may be real Q and some may be fake, but the fact remains that SOMEONE was able to replicate two 0-delta posts.
Edit: that is unless someone was able to fake the timestamps somehow. I do remember considering this at the time as the time stamps would change from one timezone to another when loading the page. Not sure if this is normal or not.
When Q started posting again, there were pictured instructions on how to easily change your time-zone and fake a delta. Perhaps the time stamps are much less reliable when it comes to figuring out whether it's the same Q than let's say "tippy top". Something like that is nearly impossible to fake. We should be wary if time-stamps are the "new" Q's only proof.