[Repost] It's time to talk about the newest Q posts, 8kun shut down, and what appears to be attempts to silence Q from communicating with us (see comments)

I'm not trusting zero delta Q at all. With all their cyber intelligence they're not going to let something like a trip code expire, or go bad.
Right now I think this is a clown attempt to discredit Q, Ron, and Jim. They had worked to keep this going since Q started posting why would they change that now? They know how important this is.
I haven't looked at the zero delta q posts since this weekend, I do remember someone poking a big hole in one so that was enough for me.
No tripcode, not a Q post as far as I'm concerned.
so we wait for more deltas to confirm... trump truth is the verifier of the Q post.
My thought it codemonkey screwed up enough to ruin the Q trips and theres no going back.
All I know is I don't trust zero delta Q unless Geotus himself says zero deltas in a speech or a truth, I'm going to ignore it.
Like I said I think Q Q plus can do better even create a new with trip codes etc. If Ron and Jim can the. Q certainly can and people would go there .
I think zero Delta q and the board going down is all the same group doing it either Mos or clowns they're trying to bring it down because Q started communicating with us again and they're trying to hijack it. They're trying to stop us.
So how many times does Q have to drop before Trump Social before its not a coincidence anymore?
Just wondering what your number is.... 5, 10, 100?
If it was Trump Social post before Q I would agree with you.
But its Q before TS.