thanks for the share. i am going to try to finish it, but i found this a little off-putting:
“The Bible suggests we may know them by their fruits. That is, we recognise the wolves- in-sheepskins by the consequences of their words and behaviour. Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA.“
this is the same tactic the NPCs use:
Russia prefers Trump over Hillary, so anyone who says anything remotely positive about Trump is certainly an operative for the Kremlin.
There are a disproportionate number of blacks in prison, so the judicial system is necessarily prejudiced against black people.
I didn't agree with everything she said, and found some of her stories tough to believe. There's a lot of good information in there though and I don't regret reading it.
for sure - i will keep reading, it is a nice find regardless of any misgivings i have re: the insinuation that skepticism could only come from a vested interest in child trafficking.
i am sure there is a lot to glean here, so thanks again for the sauce
Her and her dad feature prominently in this book. It's free to download in various formats. Interesting history of mind control, etc.
thanks for the share. i am going to try to finish it, but i found this a little off-putting:
“The Bible suggests we may know them by their fruits. That is, we recognise the wolves- in-sheepskins by the consequences of their words and behaviour. Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA.“
this is the same tactic the NPCs use:
Russia prefers Trump over Hillary, so anyone who says anything remotely positive about Trump is certainly an operative for the Kremlin.
There are a disproportionate number of blacks in prison, so the judicial system is necessarily prejudiced against black people.
I didn't agree with everything she said, and found some of her stories tough to believe. There's a lot of good information in there though and I don't regret reading it.
for sure - i will keep reading, it is a nice find regardless of any misgivings i have re: the insinuation that skepticism could only come from a vested interest in child trafficking.
i am sure there is a lot to glean here, so thanks again for the sauce