Population 600ish... My son had shot his first 22 by 8. Now he is getting a .45 for his 18th B-Day. In our house we have 2 black powder .50 cal riffels, a 30/30, a 306, a .357, several .22s, two bows, and a set of throwing hatchets. We have the least amount of arms of all of our friends...
Population 600ish... My son had shot his first 22 by 8. Now he is getting a .45 for his 18th B-Day. In our house we have 2 black powder .50 cal riffels, a 30/30, a 306, a .357, several .22s, two bows, and a set of throwing hatchets. We have the least amount of arms of all of our friends...
Husband took grandsons 6 & 14 yr olds, target shooting today. The boys had a great time.
That is some quality time!
Ssshhhhh the less who know what you have the better. Nice collection though.😁
Thank Q :)